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Friday, November 20, 2015


A guideline which shows you what are the healthiest cuts of pork helps draw you to a healthy and smart eating.

Do you want to lose weight and still get enough protein? Try fillet cut.
Balance cholesterol- Belly
It’s the part underneath the scratching that can keep your arteries from furring up. Most of the fat in pork is beneficial to your heart; especially monounsaturated fats that help neutralize the HDL or “good” cholesterol and the LDL or “bad” cholesterol.

Safeguard reproductive health- Kidney
Forget the beast with two backs, one pig kidney can offer more than your RDA of selenium for developing strong and healthy sperm. According to a nutritional therapist named Jackie Lynch, it’s essential for male reproductive health.

Lose weight- Fillet
If you see a thick layer of fat around your belly, it’s time to add this cut to your diet. Pork fillet boasts a more reduced fat percentage than skinless chicken breast. An Australian research discovered that increasing your muscle fuel intake acts as an appetite suppressor to boost your weight loss process. The best way to reap this cut’s benefits is to grill on a hot heat, says James Mansfield, founder of meat delivery company Field and Flower.

Mood booster- Chop
Pork contains high levels of tryptophan-which the body converts into serotonin, even higher than turkey. A study published in the FASEB Journal indicated that the consumption of tryptophan along with vitamin D promotes serotonin concentrations in the brain. Opt for leaner cuts and remove the fat before cooking.

Promote bone strength- Bacon
Enjoy bacon for Sunday breakfast to get a skeleton-protecting dose of phosphorus. Wrapping it in the right loaf can double your dose.

Nervous system nourishment- Hand

This cut from the end of the thigh is loaded with thiamin, a B vitamin that ensures the correct conduction of nerve impulses. In other words, your heart will get more blood to the right places at the right time. Roast low for 7 hours, boar into 140 grams to hit your RDA and then take a bow and give yourself a pig hand.

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