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Friday, November 6, 2015


Apply antiperspirant deodorant at night for maximum effectiveness.

Applying antiperspirant deodorant at night before bedtime helps clog sweat ducts effectively.
For most adults, their mornings look something like this: Get up, have shower, wear deodorant, eat breakfast and leave. Plus, many adults can skip their breakfast, but never forget to apply deodorant before going anywhere like a must-do habit. However, a recent study has shown that it’s much more effective to apply it at night before bedtime.

Applying your antiperspirant in the morning, especially right after having a bath, makes it harder for the active ingredients to get down into your sweat ducts and clog them. Moreover, your sweat glands are more active in the morning than they are at night, so your antiperspirant will wash right off.

The night is the best time for application because antiperspirant works by clogging sweat ducts which stops moisture from escaping your body. By doing this at night, the antiperspirant has time to do said clogging. Even if you have a morning shower, it’s advisable to swipe at night as once the antiperspirant sets, it should last 24 hours regardless of whether you wash off any residue in the shower.

Doctors recommend that there’s no need to reapply it in the morning, but if you want to, it won’t hurt anything. Antiperspirant can actually work after showering and possibly even after a few days of application.

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