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Thursday, October 29, 2015


After a good-night sleep, you can eat breakfast as soon as you can after waking up to boost the metabolism and improve your mood for the whole day.

 Whole-grain cereal and low-fat milk is a good breakfast choice, says nutritional experts.
According to a report published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 10 to 30 % of Americans omit breakfast though people eating breakfast every morning tend to have better overall nutrition and have a reduced risk of being overweight. It is still controversial among nutrition experts and scientific researchers about the best time to eat breakfast so as to reap most health benefits. However, the most approved idea is you should aim to eat as soon as you can after waking up to kick-start the metabolism and boost your mood. A sport nutritionist -Matt Lovell says: “The stress hormone cortisol will keep rising until you have something to eat.” So, this is a reason why skipping breakfast puts you in such a bad temper.

Even worse than that, skipping breakfast clings to many serious health problems. A research published in the journal Circulation stated that men who omit breakfast have the 27% higher risk of heart attack or die of heart disease. Moreover, the spikes in blood glucose and hunger hormones in late eaters can cause hypertension and cholesterol build-up that gradually leads to coronary problems.

Whatever your morning schedule, smart breakfast eating before 10 a.m. is a good rule of thumb. Be flexible in choosing what you eat, just don’t have a bacon every morning.

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