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Friday, October 30, 2015


For those with entire love of baking and cooking, baking soda seems to be a must have pantry ingredient in their kitchen. Baking soda, or Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3), is known for food additives, and further for its help in eliminating acid-induced odors in refrigerators, carpets, boxes and as a “green” cleaning agent to scrub many things. However, the reasons for many of us to keep a box of this powder in the house are not just from its benefits in the kitchen; its use has been found to be beneficial for health.

Baking soda is a versatile agent which has a wide range of benefits.
#1 - Kidney Disease. 
With people suffering from chronic kidney disease, their kidneys function poorly and do not remove acids from the body effectively. In other way, they are more likely to face a consequent condition known as metabolic acidosis. However, their health can be improved with the help of baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is a natural alkaline substance used in human body within the bloodstream to regulate pH level to balance acids, which is critical to life. One study found out that in case this is used with usual treatment against kidney disease, it can help slow down the declined rate of kidney functions significantly, up to two thirds. And the number of patients using sodium bicarbonate who required dialysis after treatment was much lower than those without using it.

#2 - Cancer
It has been studied that dietary methods to increase bicarbonate levels can help raise the pH of acidic tumors but still balance the pH of the blood and healthy tissues. Tests on animal models of human breast cancer show that oral sodium bicarbonate does indeed make tumors more alkaline and inhibit metastasis. Because it is safe, it was used in therapy to add in overall nutrition and support immune system for patients with cancer. In that therapy, around 12 g of baking soda was mixed in 2 cups of water and used with low-carb things.

#3 - Occasional Heartburn and Indigestion
When heartburn and indigestion occur occasionally, one inexpensive but effective way to get rid of the condition is to use baking soda. It can help neutralize pain from stomach and duodenal ulcers or any conditions that cause acid reflux. Just use half a teaspoon of baking soda stirring into half a cup of water and drink after meals 1 – 2 hours. Keep in mind that those with ulcers should not use baking soda too frequently because it produces more acidic in the stomach, leading to reversed effects.

#4 - Dermatological Conditions
Baking soda provides a lot of benefits for skin improvement. A paste of 3 parts baking soda and 1 part water is a nice and gentle combination. This paste can be used as an exfoliator for face and body or gently scrub away ground-in dirt and neutralize odors on hands. Adding this powder into warm water for foot soak is also an easy and inexpensive spa treatment for foot. It is commonly known to heal athlete’s foot, and great for easing calluses.

Mixture of baking soda and a little water can be dabbed on sunburn area to reduce discomfort. Or a natural easy sunburn remedy can be done just by soaking your body in the tub of lukewarm bathwater added with half a cup of baking soda.
For insect bites and allergic rashes, the itch can be treated by applying shaken baking soda into damp affected skin. Further, British researchers found that method of using one-half cup of baking soda added to bathwater eased itchiness and irritation for psoriasis patients.

#5 - Natural Deodorant
Using baking soda as a deodorant is a simple way to combat body odor without using too much chemicals. Simply mix a teaspoon of baking soda with enough water into liquid and rub it on underarms or feet. Or mixture of baking soda and cornstarch in 1:6 ratio can help fight odor and prevent wetness by applying in both dry and liquid way.

#6 - Oral Health
Baking soda is a common ingredient in toothpastes and mouthwashes since it has been shown to enhance plaque removal. It is exceptionally effective when mixed with sea salt and use as tooth and gum paste. You can use your fingers to add and rub the mixture onto teeth and gums and it is easy to use daily. To whiten teeth, baking soda can be mixed with crushed strawberry. However, overuse this could potentially damage tooth enamel over time due to its abrasive qualities; thus, moderate use or commercial products are recommended.

#7 - Athletic Performance
Before intense exercises, using sodium bicarbonate can be good. It helps buffer lactic acid that builds up in hard-working muscles, balance cell voltage, increase CO2 which helps with oxygenation, delay fatigue and enhance physical performance.

Basically, baking soda is safe and nontoxic, even in oral way. The key word is using it properly to avoid upset acid-base balance in the body, and other worse cases such as nausea and diarrhea. 

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