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Wednesday, September 30, 2015


High fish consumption may help reduce the risk of depression, according to a survey conducted in China.

People who are divorced or live separately are more likely to experience symptoms of mild to moderate mental illness, with 27% showing signs of the disease compared to 20% of those who are single, cohabiting or widowed.

However, a fish- rich diet could be a solution for the fight against these symptoms.
Researchers from Qingdao Medical University, Shandong, China gathered data from studies between 2001 and 2014 so as to evaluate the strength of evidence on the connection between fish intake and depression.

The result showed that those with the highest intake of fish were associated with 17% lower risk of depression. The reduced risk in men was 20%, compared to 16% in women. These were concluded from both cohort and cross- sectional studies, but only for studies conducted in Europe.

An abundant source of omega- 3 fatty acids found chiefly in fish can change the generation of dopamine and serotonin, two brain chemicals which are thought to link to depression. Moreover, high quality protein, vitamins and minerals in fish play an important role in the strategy of depression prevention.

“Higher fish consumption may be beneficial in primary prevention of depression. However, there should be many further studies to investigate whether this association is tailored to the type of fish,” added Professor Zhang Dongfeng, lead researcher from the Department of Epidemiology and Health Statistics, Qingdao Medical University, Shandong, China.


Fish, as well as green vegetable and egg yolks are amazing sources of food which bring you a good chance to care for your eyes. Nevertheless, fish eyes do not bring any nutrients to nourish your “window to the soul”.

Regular consumption of fatty fish helps improve your visual acuity. However, fish eyes bring no nutritional benefits. If you have a strong desire for healthy eyes, you should follow a diet of high anti-oxidants including lutein, zeaxathin, vitamin C, vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids.

Lutein and zeaxathin are found chiefly in green vegetable such as kale, spinach, green broccoli and egg yolks. Vitamin C, found in citrus fruits, bell peppers and Brussels sprouts can protect your eyes against UV rays. Vitamin E, which is abundant in sunflower oil, peanut butter, almonds helps reduce the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Particularly, following the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, can lower the risk of AMD up to 31%.

Experts suggest that you should eat baked or broiled fish instead of fried one, combining with other flavorings like herbs and lemon juice.


According to a team of American scientists, components found in purple- fleshed sweet potatoes may help kill cancer stem cells and inhibit the spread of cancer.

Purple- fleshed sweet potatoes contain high contents of proteins, digestion- nourishing amino acids, micronutrients including vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C…, phosphorus, iron and other natural chemicals. They can help protect the body against tiredness, tonify blood, boost toxin- discharging process, improve functions of the digestive system and prevent stomach and intestine- related diseases.

A team of American scientists has proven that purple- fleshed sweet potatoes are able to suppress or eliminate the spread of cancer cells. Jairam KP Vanamala, a member of this team, said: “Starch from purple potatoes can be served as a food for the gut bacteria which then is converted into useful fatty acids such as butyric acid. The butyric acid regulates immune function of the gut, inhibits chronic inflammation and leads cancer cells to self- destruction.”

Researchers found that the extract from broiled potatoes suppresses the growth of cancer stem cells. They also did experiments on the effect of baked potatoes on infected mice and saw similar results.

Scientists suggested that purple sweet potatoes could be used as a prevention for both primary and secondary stages of cancer without any complications. Therefore, we should enjoy a medium- sized purple- fleshed sweet potato for lunch and dinner, or even a large one per day in so as to enhance our health and prevent cancer.


Hypoglycemia, also called low blood sugar or low blood glucose results in a variety of symptoms such as anxiety, dizziness or even death.

Hypoglycemia occurs when the blood glucose level is below 70mg/ dl (milligrams per deciliter). One of the challenges in managing diabetes is maintaining consistent blood sugar level. A recent study has shown that there are 19 cases of sudden falling glucose among patients with type 2 diabetes every year. This syndrome can also happen at night, causing sleep disorders such as sweating, nightmares and confusion.

Other symptoms are included: clumsiness and dizziness. Without any immediate treatments, these long-termed effects even lead to loss of consciousness and death. Here are some warning signs that you need to take notice to spot yours.

Ravenous hunger
If you have already eaten but you are not still satisfied or a feeling of sudden hunger without any reasons, it means that you’re experiencing hypoglycemia. It is better for you to supply your body with 15g of carbohydrate- rich food or grapes, orange juice and hard candies.

Due to much lower glucose level, the adrenal glands will release the hormone ephinephrine (or known as adrenaline), which signals the liver to produce more sugar. The excessive hormones create an “adrenaline rush” resulting in anxiety.

Night restlessness
Nocturnal hypoglycemia leads to a number of sleep disorders with symptoms such as sweating, nightmares, sudden waking- up or crying, feelings of unrest and confusion upon waking. These disturbances can be controlled by a snack before bedtime.

The central nervous system does not function properly when the sugar level in blood lowers. As a result, it releases catecholamines which produce glucose and also the symptom.

Unstable emotions
Mood swings and sudden emotional changes are abnormal. Hypoglycemia causes uncontrollable anger, hysterical crying and desire to be left alone.

Sweating is one of the first signs of decreasing glucose. Watch out if the perspiration comes up regardless of cold or hot weather.

Dizziness or light-headedness
If you experience these symptoms, treat hypoglycemia immediately. A sudden drop in blood sugar level can lead to faint, so please sit or lie down promptly to avoid injuries if you feel a sign of swoon.

Wandering thoughts
You can face confusion, difficulty focusing on work at a time due to the sensitiveness of brain to falling glucose.

Vision problems
A dim and poor vision or double image can come out due to hypoglycemia.

Slurred speech

A brain which is about to run out of sugar cannot detect a change in sound. People around you may think you are drunk, but in fact you don’t drink even a drop.


Nowadays, more and more people are dealing with mental illnesses, including stress, depression… particularly psychological crisis due to a stuffy and complicated life. Sometimes, a crisis can lead to thoughts of suicide. Therefore, learn to recognize these warning signs and stay readily-prepared to overcome them.

Scream internally
A major sign of psychological crisis is when you feel like screaming out loud and driving out your anger, but are never given a chance to do so.

Feel trapped
You try to cry and eliminate your disappointment, but instead of crying you gulp back your tears. Remember, it is not good for your brain and cardio-vascular system. You had better cry out loud to release your frustration.

Good days is not the matter
No matter how wonderful your day begins, you tend to cling on the past sadness. Remember, it is a sign of psychological crisis.

I’m not interested
Another sign is that you are not interested in your successes; even you just smile for the heck of them.

Desire for being left alone
When you get stuck and depressed, but you do not like to share with people around you, or even get mad of receiving help from them. It is an exact time for you to change and have mental health check.

Keep re-asking yourself: “Where am I going with my life?”
You are never happy or satisfied and try to find your mistake. It makes you feel negative about your existence in this world. That’s it.


Bad breath, medically called halitosis, is a noticeable and unpleasant odor in the breath which caused by poor dental health habits, smoking, types of food, liver and kidney problems…

Bad breath, medically called halitosis, is a noticeable and unpleasant odor in the breath which caused by poor dental health habits, smoking, types of food, liver and kidney problems…. It is not a medical emergency, but it can make people feel embarrassed, shy and self- conscious.

Many people use chewing gums or pepper mint with the target of dissipating bad breath. However, this method only has short-term effects. Read on and find out ways to prevent or treat it.

Brush or scrape your tongue
Bad breath often occurs when food gets trapped between the teeth and the tongue. The food breaks down and releases bacteria which then create a sulfur gas having bad smell. Use a soft rubber wiper or a tongue scraper or a spoon to remove bacteria at the back of the tongue.

Brush your teeth and use floss or interdental cleaner twice a day
Do not forget to brush twice a day and use floss to remove food debris and plaque to obtain a healthy breath.
Remember, gum diseases may be the cause of bad mouth odor, so you need to have your teeth checked regularly.

Use an anti-bacterial mouthwash
Dead cells that accumulate on your tongue, gums and cheeks will increase because of dry mouth. When the saliva flow decreases, these cells decompose and cause bad breath.

Use mouthwash that is alcohol-free before bedtime. You can use water instead.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


A recent study reveals that smokers are 4 times more likely to suffer from sight loss compared to those with healthy lifestyle.

Smoking increases the risk of blindness by 300%
According to Express, experts believed toxic chemicals found in cigarette smoke can destroy the delicate surface and the eye’s internal structure. They warned that unhealthy lifestyles are promoting an alarming increase of eye- related diseases.

A research conducted by top scientists at Wisconsin-Madison University found that those who smoked at least one packet of cigarettes a day were more likely to suffer from Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) - a direct cause of blindness. The research also revealed that an unhealthy lifestyle can increase the risk of sight loss regardless of genetic condition.

“However long you have smoked, it is never too late to give up smoking in order to lower the risk,” said a spokesman for the Association of Optometrists in the UK.

Experts advised that you should stop the bad habit of smoking and focus on diet and physical activities. Moreover, a high consumption of vegetables and fruits can help protect the eyesight.


Swedish researchers confirmed that coffee consumption was not associated with an increased risk of atrial fibrillation- a common type of irregular heartbeat.

Be happy, coffee lover. There is more evidence showing that coffee does not harm your heart.

According to the journal Biomed Central, researchers of Karolinska Institute in Sweden looked at the data from 42,000 men and 35,000 women who were participating in two-long running studies. In 1997, the participants were asked to complete questionnaires about their health and diet, including how many cups of coffee they drank daily or weekly. During 12-year follow-up period, the researchers found that there was no link between drinking coffee and an increased risk of atrial fibrillation.

In conclusion, coffee lovers are relaxed to enjoy their beloved mugs. However, it is advisable to drink a moderate amount of coffee to ensure there is no risk of other types of irregular heartbeat.


Flu is an infectious disease caused by the influenza virus that attacks the respiratory system- nose, throat and lungs.

Below are some home remedies for flu treatment.

Home remedy using honey and cinnamon powder
- Pour 1 tsp of honey into a bowl
- Place the bowl in another larger bowl of hot water
Add a pinch of cinnamon powder to the honey
- Mix well
- Take this mixture twice a day

Home remedy using onion and honey
Take 1 mashed onion
- Extract the juice by using a sieve 
- Add 1tsp of honey 
- Mix well 
- Drink 1 tsp of the mixture three times a day

Home remedy using fenugreek powder, lemon juice, honey and ginger paste 
- Add 4 tsp of fenugreek powder in a glass of hot boiling water 
- Add 4 tsp of lemon juice 
- Add 1 tsp of honey and 1 tsp of ginger paste 
- Mix well 
- Boil the mixture for 15 minutes
Drink this mixture regularly to enhance sweating and reduce fever.


Try these following colorful foods for a healthy start. 

1. Colorful veggies: greens, reds and oranges
Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, bok choy and kai lan
- Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and Chinese cabbage
- Roots and shoots such as bitter gourd, carrots, ginger, lemongrass, asparagus, lotus root, celery, cucumber and tomatoes
Avoid: Corn and potatoes 

2. Fruits containing vitamin C and anti-oxidants
Choose: Figs, blueberries, coconut, strawberries, apples, longan, mangosteen, melons and snake fruit
Avoid: Bananas 

3. Proteins
Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, cod and mackerel
- White meat such as chicken and turkey
- Seafood such as crab, prawns and scallops
- Legumes such as chickpeas, green beans, red beans and mung beans
- Vegetable protein such as tofu and tempeh
Avoid: Processed meat

4. Beneficial fat enhancing the heart health
Choose: Extra-virgin olive, cold-compressed avocado, coconut or flaxseed oil, unsalted hard nuts such as almonds and cashews and seeds such as sunflower and pumpkin
Avoid: Margarine and refined oils such as corn, sunflower and canola 

5. Fibers tricking you are full and aiding detoxification
Choose: Flaxseeds, brown rice, chia seeds and quinoa
Avoid: Refined carbohydrates such as white bread and white rice 

6. Foods to avoid on a detox
Red meat, processed meat, refined wheat products (yellow noodles, pasta, biscuits and cake), caffeine, artificial sweetener, alcohol, excessive sugar (including honey), all dairy, eggs and gluten 

7. Daily detox: Before breakfast, you should drink a cup of warm water with lemon juice. This will wake your digestive system up.


Without being drunk, you will have better sleep, clear skin, weight loss and sharp mind to start a new day.

Have better sleep
A recent study published in the journal Alcoholism showed that drinking alcohol before bedtime may increase alpha wave patterns in the brain- a state commonly seen when you’re awake but actually you’re resting. As a result, your sleep will be disrupted. Another review of 27 studies found that alcohol may help people fall into sleep easily and deeply at first, but the state of heated-up body and a broken sleep may occur right after that. Therefore, it can result in headache, excessive thirst, dry throat and tiredness. It is advisable to avoid drinking too much before bed for a fresh and sharp mind next day.

Consume less at dinner
According to a study published in the American Journal of Nutrition, alcohol is considered as one of the biggest factors of excessive food intake. Alcohol can stimulate the senses and promote appetite. Researchers discovered that when women drank alcohol, the brain’s activity in the hypothalamus became more sensitive to the smell of food, prompting them to eat more.

Lose weight
Alcohol is a sneaky factor for your increased daily calories that you even cannot realize. The amount of alcohol consumed every day has 300-450 calories. Therefore, if you want to lose weight without much effort or stay fit, remove alcohol and don’t replace it with desserts in your diet.

Have clearer complexion
Alcohol is a diuretic causing frequent urination. Your body will lose water more quickly that make your skin dry. Within a few days of no alcohol, you will feel a smooth and hydrated skin.

Reduce the risk of cancers
According to the National Cancer Institute in America, alcohol use has been linked to the risk for cancers of mouth, liver, breast, colon and rectum. On the other hand, many studies have figured out a moderate alcohol intake may reduce cardiovascular diseases. Drinking a glass of wine in your meals instead of being drunk can bring many health benefits.


Researchers did a survey on 140,000 middle-aged participants who had to undergo a health examination within 2 years.

Researchers did a survey on 140,000 middle-aged participants who had to undergo a health examination within 2 years. They measured the functional activity level and the presence of fatty liver of those people and found that 40,000 of them had NAFLD (Non-alcohol Fatty Liver Disease). The researchers concluded too much sitting time increased the prevalence of NAFLD.

“A constant sitting and insufficient physical activity level were clearly associated with the prevalence of NAFLD in a large sample of middle-aged Koreans,” said Dr Seungho of the Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at Kangbuk Samsung Hospital.

“Our body is created to move, so it is not surprising that a sedentary lifestyle with decreased muscle exercise has a direct impact on physiology,” said Michael Trenell, Professor of Metabolism and Lifestyle Medicine at Newcastle University in the UK.

With the dearth of drugs for NAFLD treatment, lifestyle changes remain the cornerstone of clinical care.


Below are some home remedies to keep cracked heels at bay, according to Home Veda.

Remedy 1
Ingredients: 1 tsp of fresh milk cream, a pinch of turmeric powder, 1 tsp of sugar, 1 tsp of lemon juice.
Method: Mix all the ingredients well. Rub the mixture gently on your feet for 10 minutes. Let it stay for 15- 20 minutes and then rinse off with warm water.

Remedy 2
Ingredients: 1 bowl of oatmeal, 4 tsps of olive oil
Method: Mix the two ingredients well. Add the mixture to a tub of water. Soak your feet in water and massage them with oatmeal for 10 minutes. Let your feet soak again for 15-20 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water.

Remedy 3
Ingredients: 4 tsps of honey, 2 tsps of almond oil
Method: Mix well. Add to a tub of warm water. Soak your feet in water and do massage for 10 minutes. Let them soak for another 20 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.

Tips: To keep your feet soft and smooth, remember to drink enough water and massage them with coconut oil before bed.

Monday, September 28, 2015


According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the flesh of the longan fruit (Long Yan Rou) is sweet in taste and warm in properties with fundamental functions of nourishing blood and calming the spirit. It enters meridians of heart and spleen which is used and indicated for syndromes such as vital energy deficiency, neurasthenia, fatigue, insomnia, forgetfulness and fright.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the flesh of the longan fruit (Long Yan Rou) is sweet in taste and warm in properties with fundamental functions of nourishing blood and calming the spirit. It enters meridians of heart and spleen which is used and indicated for syndromes such as vital energy deficiency, neurasthenia, fatigue, insomnia, forgetfulness and fright. 

Read on and find out some of its recipes in herbal remedies.

Remedy 1: Supply vital energy and enrich blood

Ingredients: Dried flesh of longan fruit 15, Lotus seed 20g, Jujube berry 15g, Peanut 15g, Sticky rice 50g.

Usage: Cook porridge from all the ingredients splitting into two servings: one in the morning and one in the late- afternoon. Use in 10-15 days.

Remedy 2: Nourish the heart and calm the spirit

Ingredients: Dried flesh 200g, Lotus seed 200g, Jujube berry 200g, Spiny date seed 200g, Mountain yam rhizome 200g, Leaf of Indian coral tree 150g, Licorice root 130g

Usage: Cook dried flesh, jujube berry and leaf of Indian coral tree until a fluid consistency like glue obtained. Grind lotus seed, mountain yam rhizome and spiny date seed into fine powder. Smash glue and powder together and then make into corn-shaped pills. Take 20- 40 pills per day, dividing into 2 doses.

Remedy 3: Treat insomnia

Ingredients: Dried flesh 9g, Spiny date seed 9g, Euryale seed 15g

Usage: Decoct all the ingredients for tincture. Serve before bedtime.

Remedy 4: Treat blood deficiency, insomnia and fatigue

Ingredients: Dried flesh 16g, Chinese angelica root 12g, Milk-vetch root 12g, Prepared Chinese foxglove root 16g

Usage: Decoct all the ingredients for tincture. One pack divided into twice a day. Serve warm. Use in 10- 15 days.

Remedy 5: Stimulate appetite, stop night sweating and relieve tiredness

Ingredients: Dried flesh 50g and Deer antler velvet 40g

Usage: Decoct dried flesh of longan fruit in water. Slice deer antler velvet into small segments and then drop in the tincture. Boil again to mix well. Let it cool down, shred and serve before bedtime and breakfast, 10g for each time.

Remedy 6: Treat palpitation, fatigue, lower back and knees tiredness and soreness

Ingredients: Dried flesh 15g, Chestnut 10- 20 seeds, Rice 50g and Sugar

Usage: Cook porridge from unshelled and brayed chestnut and rice. Dip dried flesh of the fruit into done porridge and then add sugar to taste.

Remedy 7: Clear heat and calm the spirit

Ingredients: Same volume of dried flesh and lotus seed

Usage: Steam peeled-off lotus seed. Soak dried flesh in water for 10 minutes to soften it. Stir well the mixture of water, lotus seed- boiled water and sugar. Boil it until sugar is dissolved. Add lotus seed and dried flesh and then simmer in 10 minutes.

Remedy 8: Treat night sweating in children 

Decoct all these for tincture for daily use or eat the solid part.

Remedy 9: Supply vital energy for patients after prolonged illnesses

Ingredients: Dried flesh 20g, Chinese soft shell turtle and Mountain yam rhizome 20g

Usage: Stew cleaned turtle, dried flesh and mountain yam rhizome in a bain-marie. Serve 2 to 3 times a week.