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Monday, September 28, 2015


Turmeric is not only a spice in many dishes but also contains an abundant source of anti-oxidants and effectively anti-inflammatory constituents. Therefore, it is commonly used to make medicines.

Turmeric is rich in nutrients and minerals such as: Vitamins (C, E, and K), fiber, proteins, niacin, copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, essential oil named terpenic carbide and zingiberene.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, turmeric is bitter and pungent in taste, densely fragrant and warm in natures with strong actions of clearing the channels, relieving pain, dissipating pimples, speeding healing of sores, lubricating the liver and gall bladder and dispelling cholesterol in the blood. Turmeric oil also has anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties.

Furthermore, in folk medicines around the world, turmeric has been used as a remedy for stimulating digestion, clearing blood, treating malaria, colds, arthropathia and alleviating pains.
Turmeric is also an effective herb in the prevention of anemia, asthenia and treatment of stomach-ache, sore throat, carbuncles as well as skin whitening...

If you are suffering from the 3 following diseases, do not forget that turmeric not only helps you to cure diseases but also brings many health benefits.

1. Turmeric for stomach-ache treatment

In China, turmeric is used as a digestive stimulant, pain reliever, bleeding retarder and metabolism enhancer. In addition, it is used in the treatment of gastric ulcer and stomach bleeding.

Below is a remedy for stomach-ache treatment using the combination of turmeric and honey.

Ingredients: 12g turmeric powder, 60g honey, a clean glass jar

You can use a greater amount of ingredients; just guarantee the ratio of 2:1 as above.

- Put turmeric powder and honey into a large bowl, mix well and then form in to pills. Each pill is about 5g. From the above ingredients, 35-40 pills are formed.

- Put all into the glass jar which then is tightly sealed and placed in a dry and cool area or the cool part of a refrigerator for a relatively long storage.

Usage: Take 9 times a day, divided in to 3 doses. Use in 40 days in cases of severe illness and 5-10 days for slight one.

Cautions: It is contraindicated for children under 1 year old.

2. Turmeric for sore throat treatment

In India, there are many people using turmeric to treat malaria, cold and sore throat.

Instructions: Form condensed turmeric juice into pills as above. Drink with water 1-2 times a day for a good result.

3. Turmeric for carbuncles treatment

Thanks to anti-bacterial and antiseptic substances found in turmeric, acne can be regulated and effectively mitigated.

Besides, turmeric mask shows a strong effect in skin whitening and smoothing; prevention and treatment of melasma or freckles…

Ingredients: Turmeric powder, lemon juice, powder

Instructions: Mix all the ingredients well to make mask

Usage: Apply the mask onto the face. Regularly do it in the evening before bedtime. Relax in 15 minutes and then rinse off with cold and clean water.

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