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Friday, September 25, 2015

6 wonderful recipes of cooling teas

Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the lungs are most

vulnerable to external factors such as heat and haze that lead to

respiratory- related diseases.

Dryness due to haze can causes sore throat, excessive thirst, dry skin and

eyes, dry cough or cough with white sticky phlegm. Others may suffer a

runny nose, cough with yellow or green phlegm or even dry stool or


Here are some recipes of cooling teas which help clear heat and dispel

toxins from the body. You can use them on a regular basis until the symptoms


1. Sore throat, dry cough and dry skin

Ingredients: Coastal glehnia root (Sha shen) 6g, Dwarf lily- turf root (Mai

dong) 6g, Fragrant solomon’s seal root (Yu zhu) 9g, Mongolia snakegourd root

(Tian hua fen) 9g and 300ml- 500ml hot water

Usage: Soak all the ingredients in hot water at least 30 minutes before

serving. Take one to two doses.

Cautions: Use with care for those who are susceptible to diarrhea or suffer

from coughs due to Wind- Cold pathogens (frequently cold feeling, white

phlegm and runny nose).

2. Sore throat, runny nose, cough with yellow or green phlegm and


Ingredients: Honeysuckle flower (Jin yin hua) 3g, Weeping forsythia capsule

(Lian qiao) 3g, Peppermint leaf 3g, Boat- fringed sterculia seed (Pang da hai) 3

seeds and 300ml- 500ml hot water

Usage: Dip all the ingredients in hot water for 15 to 30 minutes before

serving. Take one to two doses.

Cautions: Use with care for those with abdominal bloating, loose stool and

poor appetite due to spleen and stomach deficiency and those with fatigue

and excessive sweating due to Qi deficiency.

3. Haze- related allergies, excessive speaking and body pain

Ingredients: Peppermint leaf 6g, Great burdock fruit (Niu bang zi) 12g and

350ml hot water

Usage: Boil great burdock seeds in 350ml of water for 15 minutes, reduce the

heat to take out the seeds and then add peppermint leaves before serving.

Another method is steeping all the ingredients in hot water before serving.

Take one dose.

Cautions: Use with care for weak patients after prolonged illnesses and those

with excessive sweating.

4. Dry cough, painful eyes, excessive thirst and night sweating

Ingredients: White mulberry leaf (Sang ye) 10g, Stonebushel stem (Shi hu)

10g and 350ml hot water

Usage: Rinse the two ingredients, boil them in 350ml of hot water or soak

them in hot water for 5 minutes and then sieve out the ingredients before

serving. Take one.

Cautions: Use with care for those with constipation, fear of cold and pale skin

5. Hypertension, easily- tired eyes due to the Liver heat

Ingredients: White mulberry leaf 10g, Chrysanthemum flower (Ju hua) 10g,

Licorice root 10g, 350ml hot water and sugar

Usage: Boil all these ingredients, filter out the herbs and add sugar to taste.

Take one or two doses.

Cautions: Those with hypotension

6. Shortness of breath, fatigue and tongue with white coating

Ingredients: Mongolian milkcetch root (Huang qi) 60g, Alipinia fruit (Yi zhi

ren) 60g, Chinese mosla herb (Xiang ru) 50g, White mulberry leaf 30g, White

hyacinth bean (Bai bian dou) 20g, rock sugar and 3l water

Usage: Boil all the ingredients in 3litres of water and then simmer for 30

minutes. Add rock sugar to taste. Take 4 -5 doses.

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