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Monday, September 28, 2015


Sleep talking is a sleep disorder frequently seen in children which is caused by fever, stress, lack of sleep or hereditary factors…

Sleep talking is categorized as a sleep disorder defined as talking during sleep without being aware of it. Speech involves monologues, dialogues, words which are worthless, ungrammatical, complicated or linked to past experiences. Those sleepers may mumble or scream.

Sleep talking often occurs in a short period of time which may last one month or one year depending on physiological and psychological changes. Major causes include fever, depression, stress, genetic factors, restlessness, alcohol or medication.

The condition is more common in children with 50% of the risk compared to 5% in adults, especially in males. Sleep talking may be associated with other disorders such as sleep terrors, sleep walking, confusion, sleep apnea, mental disorders and nocturnal seizures.

In general, no treatment is necessary but it is advisable to consult doctors if it lasts over a long period of time. One of the easiest preventions is avoiding alcohol and smoking.

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