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Monday, September 28, 2015


According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the flesh of the longan fruit (Long Yan Rou) is sweet in taste and warm in properties with fundamental functions of nourishing blood and calming the spirit. It enters meridians of heart and spleen which is used and indicated for syndromes such as vital energy deficiency, neurasthenia, fatigue, insomnia, forgetfulness and fright.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the flesh of the longan fruit (Long Yan Rou) is sweet in taste and warm in properties with fundamental functions of nourishing blood and calming the spirit. It enters meridians of heart and spleen which is used and indicated for syndromes such as vital energy deficiency, neurasthenia, fatigue, insomnia, forgetfulness and fright. 

Read on and find out some of its recipes in herbal remedies.

Remedy 1: Supply vital energy and enrich blood

Ingredients: Dried flesh of longan fruit 15, Lotus seed 20g, Jujube berry 15g, Peanut 15g, Sticky rice 50g.

Usage: Cook porridge from all the ingredients splitting into two servings: one in the morning and one in the late- afternoon. Use in 10-15 days.

Remedy 2: Nourish the heart and calm the spirit

Ingredients: Dried flesh 200g, Lotus seed 200g, Jujube berry 200g, Spiny date seed 200g, Mountain yam rhizome 200g, Leaf of Indian coral tree 150g, Licorice root 130g

Usage: Cook dried flesh, jujube berry and leaf of Indian coral tree until a fluid consistency like glue obtained. Grind lotus seed, mountain yam rhizome and spiny date seed into fine powder. Smash glue and powder together and then make into corn-shaped pills. Take 20- 40 pills per day, dividing into 2 doses.

Remedy 3: Treat insomnia

Ingredients: Dried flesh 9g, Spiny date seed 9g, Euryale seed 15g

Usage: Decoct all the ingredients for tincture. Serve before bedtime.

Remedy 4: Treat blood deficiency, insomnia and fatigue

Ingredients: Dried flesh 16g, Chinese angelica root 12g, Milk-vetch root 12g, Prepared Chinese foxglove root 16g

Usage: Decoct all the ingredients for tincture. One pack divided into twice a day. Serve warm. Use in 10- 15 days.

Remedy 5: Stimulate appetite, stop night sweating and relieve tiredness

Ingredients: Dried flesh 50g and Deer antler velvet 40g

Usage: Decoct dried flesh of longan fruit in water. Slice deer antler velvet into small segments and then drop in the tincture. Boil again to mix well. Let it cool down, shred and serve before bedtime and breakfast, 10g for each time.

Remedy 6: Treat palpitation, fatigue, lower back and knees tiredness and soreness

Ingredients: Dried flesh 15g, Chestnut 10- 20 seeds, Rice 50g and Sugar

Usage: Cook porridge from unshelled and brayed chestnut and rice. Dip dried flesh of the fruit into done porridge and then add sugar to taste.

Remedy 7: Clear heat and calm the spirit

Ingredients: Same volume of dried flesh and lotus seed

Usage: Steam peeled-off lotus seed. Soak dried flesh in water for 10 minutes to soften it. Stir well the mixture of water, lotus seed- boiled water and sugar. Boil it until sugar is dissolved. Add lotus seed and dried flesh and then simmer in 10 minutes.

Remedy 8: Treat night sweating in children 

Decoct all these for tincture for daily use or eat the solid part.

Remedy 9: Supply vital energy for patients after prolonged illnesses

Ingredients: Dried flesh 20g, Chinese soft shell turtle and Mountain yam rhizome 20g

Usage: Stew cleaned turtle, dried flesh and mountain yam rhizome in a bain-marie. Serve 2 to 3 times a week.

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