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Monday, September 28, 2015


Cuddly wadded toys appear to be children’s best friends, but actually they bring many potential health risks.

A research conducted by Dettol, England detected that 90% of children frequently drop their favorite toys on the floor where they may get dirt and germs.

Three out of four bears are not washed after a child’s illness and one in five has never been washed. Microbiologists did a test on children’s wadded toys and found that 80% of them were contaminated with staphylococcus, a factor causing food poisoning.

Moreover, nearly one third contained coliforms showing the presence of harmful organisms.

“Anything that children put in their mouth needs to be hygienically cleaned although sometimes it is difficult to get their beloved teddy away,” said Dr Lisa Ackerley, a hygiene expert.

She advised that teddy bears should be regularly rubbed with a sponge, washed at a low temperature and dried naturally. Dr Ranj Signh- a children’s health expert added: “Children can bring colds and flu home and spread bacteria all around.”

It is important to notice hygienic matter especially when a child is ill and protect those who are easily vulnerable.

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