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Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Hypoglycemia, also called low blood sugar or low blood glucose results in a variety of symptoms such as anxiety, dizziness or even death.

Hypoglycemia occurs when the blood glucose level is below 70mg/ dl (milligrams per deciliter). One of the challenges in managing diabetes is maintaining consistent blood sugar level. A recent study has shown that there are 19 cases of sudden falling glucose among patients with type 2 diabetes every year. This syndrome can also happen at night, causing sleep disorders such as sweating, nightmares and confusion.

Other symptoms are included: clumsiness and dizziness. Without any immediate treatments, these long-termed effects even lead to loss of consciousness and death. Here are some warning signs that you need to take notice to spot yours.

Ravenous hunger
If you have already eaten but you are not still satisfied or a feeling of sudden hunger without any reasons, it means that you’re experiencing hypoglycemia. It is better for you to supply your body with 15g of carbohydrate- rich food or grapes, orange juice and hard candies.

Due to much lower glucose level, the adrenal glands will release the hormone ephinephrine (or known as adrenaline), which signals the liver to produce more sugar. The excessive hormones create an “adrenaline rush” resulting in anxiety.

Night restlessness
Nocturnal hypoglycemia leads to a number of sleep disorders with symptoms such as sweating, nightmares, sudden waking- up or crying, feelings of unrest and confusion upon waking. These disturbances can be controlled by a snack before bedtime.

The central nervous system does not function properly when the sugar level in blood lowers. As a result, it releases catecholamines which produce glucose and also the symptom.

Unstable emotions
Mood swings and sudden emotional changes are abnormal. Hypoglycemia causes uncontrollable anger, hysterical crying and desire to be left alone.

Sweating is one of the first signs of decreasing glucose. Watch out if the perspiration comes up regardless of cold or hot weather.

Dizziness or light-headedness
If you experience these symptoms, treat hypoglycemia immediately. A sudden drop in blood sugar level can lead to faint, so please sit or lie down promptly to avoid injuries if you feel a sign of swoon.

Wandering thoughts
You can face confusion, difficulty focusing on work at a time due to the sensitiveness of brain to falling glucose.

Vision problems
A dim and poor vision or double image can come out due to hypoglycemia.

Slurred speech

A brain which is about to run out of sugar cannot detect a change in sound. People around you may think you are drunk, but in fact you don’t drink even a drop.

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