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Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Fish, as well as green vegetable and egg yolks are amazing sources of food which bring you a good chance to care for your eyes. Nevertheless, fish eyes do not bring any nutrients to nourish your “window to the soul”.

Regular consumption of fatty fish helps improve your visual acuity. However, fish eyes bring no nutritional benefits. If you have a strong desire for healthy eyes, you should follow a diet of high anti-oxidants including lutein, zeaxathin, vitamin C, vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids.

Lutein and zeaxathin are found chiefly in green vegetable such as kale, spinach, green broccoli and egg yolks. Vitamin C, found in citrus fruits, bell peppers and Brussels sprouts can protect your eyes against UV rays. Vitamin E, which is abundant in sunflower oil, peanut butter, almonds helps reduce the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Particularly, following the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, can lower the risk of AMD up to 31%.

Experts suggest that you should eat baked or broiled fish instead of fried one, combining with other flavorings like herbs and lemon juice.

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