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Tuesday, September 29, 2015


A recent study reveals that smokers are 4 times more likely to suffer from sight loss compared to those with healthy lifestyle.

Smoking increases the risk of blindness by 300%
According to Express, experts believed toxic chemicals found in cigarette smoke can destroy the delicate surface and the eye’s internal structure. They warned that unhealthy lifestyles are promoting an alarming increase of eye- related diseases.

A research conducted by top scientists at Wisconsin-Madison University found that those who smoked at least one packet of cigarettes a day were more likely to suffer from Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) - a direct cause of blindness. The research also revealed that an unhealthy lifestyle can increase the risk of sight loss regardless of genetic condition.

“However long you have smoked, it is never too late to give up smoking in order to lower the risk,” said a spokesman for the Association of Optometrists in the UK.

Experts advised that you should stop the bad habit of smoking and focus on diet and physical activities. Moreover, a high consumption of vegetables and fruits can help protect the eyesight.

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