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Friday, October 30, 2015


For those with entire love of baking and cooking, baking soda seems to be a must have pantry ingredient in their kitchen. Baking soda, or Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3), is known for food additives, and further for its help in eliminating acid-induced odors in refrigerators, carpets, boxes and as a “green” cleaning agent to scrub many things. However, the reasons for many of us to keep a box of this powder in the house are not just from its benefits in the kitchen; its use has been found to be beneficial for health.

Baking soda is a versatile agent which has a wide range of benefits.
#1 - Kidney Disease. 
With people suffering from chronic kidney disease, their kidneys function poorly and do not remove acids from the body effectively. In other way, they are more likely to face a consequent condition known as metabolic acidosis. However, their health can be improved with the help of baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is a natural alkaline substance used in human body within the bloodstream to regulate pH level to balance acids, which is critical to life. One study found out that in case this is used with usual treatment against kidney disease, it can help slow down the declined rate of kidney functions significantly, up to two thirds. And the number of patients using sodium bicarbonate who required dialysis after treatment was much lower than those without using it.

#2 - Cancer
It has been studied that dietary methods to increase bicarbonate levels can help raise the pH of acidic tumors but still balance the pH of the blood and healthy tissues. Tests on animal models of human breast cancer show that oral sodium bicarbonate does indeed make tumors more alkaline and inhibit metastasis. Because it is safe, it was used in therapy to add in overall nutrition and support immune system for patients with cancer. In that therapy, around 12 g of baking soda was mixed in 2 cups of water and used with low-carb things.

#3 - Occasional Heartburn and Indigestion
When heartburn and indigestion occur occasionally, one inexpensive but effective way to get rid of the condition is to use baking soda. It can help neutralize pain from stomach and duodenal ulcers or any conditions that cause acid reflux. Just use half a teaspoon of baking soda stirring into half a cup of water and drink after meals 1 – 2 hours. Keep in mind that those with ulcers should not use baking soda too frequently because it produces more acidic in the stomach, leading to reversed effects.

#4 - Dermatological Conditions
Baking soda provides a lot of benefits for skin improvement. A paste of 3 parts baking soda and 1 part water is a nice and gentle combination. This paste can be used as an exfoliator for face and body or gently scrub away ground-in dirt and neutralize odors on hands. Adding this powder into warm water for foot soak is also an easy and inexpensive spa treatment for foot. It is commonly known to heal athlete’s foot, and great for easing calluses.

Mixture of baking soda and a little water can be dabbed on sunburn area to reduce discomfort. Or a natural easy sunburn remedy can be done just by soaking your body in the tub of lukewarm bathwater added with half a cup of baking soda.
For insect bites and allergic rashes, the itch can be treated by applying shaken baking soda into damp affected skin. Further, British researchers found that method of using one-half cup of baking soda added to bathwater eased itchiness and irritation for psoriasis patients.

#5 - Natural Deodorant
Using baking soda as a deodorant is a simple way to combat body odor without using too much chemicals. Simply mix a teaspoon of baking soda with enough water into liquid and rub it on underarms or feet. Or mixture of baking soda and cornstarch in 1:6 ratio can help fight odor and prevent wetness by applying in both dry and liquid way.

#6 - Oral Health
Baking soda is a common ingredient in toothpastes and mouthwashes since it has been shown to enhance plaque removal. It is exceptionally effective when mixed with sea salt and use as tooth and gum paste. You can use your fingers to add and rub the mixture onto teeth and gums and it is easy to use daily. To whiten teeth, baking soda can be mixed with crushed strawberry. However, overuse this could potentially damage tooth enamel over time due to its abrasive qualities; thus, moderate use or commercial products are recommended.

#7 - Athletic Performance
Before intense exercises, using sodium bicarbonate can be good. It helps buffer lactic acid that builds up in hard-working muscles, balance cell voltage, increase CO2 which helps with oxygenation, delay fatigue and enhance physical performance.

Basically, baking soda is safe and nontoxic, even in oral way. The key word is using it properly to avoid upset acid-base balance in the body, and other worse cases such as nausea and diarrhea. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015


Spinach is well-known for its nutritional value and remarkable abilities to restore energy, increase vitality and improve the blood quality.

Vitamin C in spinach helps improve skin tone and regenerate new skin cells.
Spinach is high in vitamin B, C, E, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids that are vital for hair growth. Iron existing in spinach plays a central role in the function of red blood cells which help in carrying oxygen to hair follicles. This is necessary for strong stands and healthy hair. Iron deficiency leads to anemia causing hair loss. Because spinach is rich in iron, it helps fight against hair loss. Drinking a glass of spinach juice daily is a highly effective and natural way to prevent the thinning of hair.

Spinach is a great source of vitamin A which improves the skin complexion and vitamin C which plays an important role in the regeneration of cells. It repairs the damaged skin and rejuvenates skin. Spinach is able to make the skin look radiated due to a high content of vitamin K which reduces dark spots and blemishes or even clears acne and dark circles.

Premature ageing is a result of damaging free radical, so spinach is a good choice because it is loaded with anti-oxidants that destroys these free radicals, which cause wrinkles, fine lines and saggy on the skin. Thus, consuming spinach on a regular basis results in younger skin. Vitamin B found in spinach can protect the skin from harmful UV radiations, which leads to skin damage, premature aging and skin cancer. Moreover, spinach is packed with anti-oxidants which act as a natural sunscreen.

One cup of spinach contains 5 ounces of water or 164 grams. The skin comprises cells which rely on water to stay healthy, so if not getting enough water, the skin will become taut, dry and flaky or even appear wrinkles.


After a good-night sleep, you can eat breakfast as soon as you can after waking up to boost the metabolism and improve your mood for the whole day.

 Whole-grain cereal and low-fat milk is a good breakfast choice, says nutritional experts.
According to a report published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 10 to 30 % of Americans omit breakfast though people eating breakfast every morning tend to have better overall nutrition and have a reduced risk of being overweight. It is still controversial among nutrition experts and scientific researchers about the best time to eat breakfast so as to reap most health benefits. However, the most approved idea is you should aim to eat as soon as you can after waking up to kick-start the metabolism and boost your mood. A sport nutritionist -Matt Lovell says: “The stress hormone cortisol will keep rising until you have something to eat.” So, this is a reason why skipping breakfast puts you in such a bad temper.

Even worse than that, skipping breakfast clings to many serious health problems. A research published in the journal Circulation stated that men who omit breakfast have the 27% higher risk of heart attack or die of heart disease. Moreover, the spikes in blood glucose and hunger hormones in late eaters can cause hypertension and cholesterol build-up that gradually leads to coronary problems.

Whatever your morning schedule, smart breakfast eating before 10 a.m. is a good rule of thumb. Be flexible in choosing what you eat, just don’t have a bacon every morning.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Genetically modified foods, also called genetically engineered foods or GM foods are foods produced from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to make them more resistant to disease, increase their ability to grow in a vast climate conditions and improve their nutritional value. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of GMOs and regulated their use. Some studies show that these foods can cause harm to your health and the environment, but scientists agree that foods from genetically modified crops is not inherently worse to human health than conventional foods.

Many foods that we eat may involve ingredients derived from GMOs and the matter here is you should decide how comfortable you’re with the consumption. So how to know whether foods are genetically modified or not?

Shopping for foods

Buy foods labeled 100% organic

Look for the mark of approval on the label of the product of your country’s trusted organic certification institutions. Remember, the label saying “organic” doesn’t mean it doesn’t contain GMOs. In reality, it can still contain by 30% GMOs, so be sure the label indicates 100% organic. You may find organic foods are more expensive and different in appearance from conventional foods.

Recognize vegetable and fruit label numbers

Price lookup (PLU) codes which can be used to identify if foods are genetically modified are found on the stickers on your produce. If the code is a 4-digit number, the food is conventional that may or may not be GM. If the code is a 5-digit number and begins with an 8, the food is GM. If the code is a 5-digit number beginning with a 9, it is organic.

Buy 100% grass-fed meat

Some meats like chicken and pork cannot be 100% grass-fed, so look for meat labeled 100% certified organic. You should buy wild-caught fish instead of farm-raised fish because the farm-raised fish are fed with GM grains.

Seek non-GMO or GMO-free label on the products

Thanks to organizations such as the Non-GMO Project, products labeled as such are becoming more common. You can also do a research on the internet on listed companies and foods that do not contain GMOs, but be careful that some information is often incomplete and confusing.

Shop locally
You may be able to avoid GM products and possibly save money at the same time if you shop at farmers’ markets. Shopping locally may also give you a chance to talk to the farmer and find out whether or not they use them in their own operation. Be aware that many local farmers use GM seeds.

Buy whole foods
Buying whole foods not only helps you gain an increased peace of mind but also achieve satisfaction compared to other processed or prepared foods that are in bags, cans or boxes…

Grow your own foods

By this way, you know exactly what ingredients are in the seeds or the foods you eat.

Identifying foods most likely to contain GMOs

Become familiar with high-risk crops
Crops are most likely to be genetically modified including soy, cotton, corn, sugar beets, Hawaiian papaya, alfalfa, zucchini and yellow summer squash.

Be aware of ingredients derived from GMO crops
An ingredient that is derived from the crop is genetically modified, too. If you buy prepared foods, read the food label and avoid any of these ingredients: aspartame, amino acids (synthetic form, not naturally existing in protein), sodium ascorbate, ascorbic acid (synthetic vitamin C), citric acid, molasses, lactic acid, sucrose, ethanol, natural and artificial flavorings, textured vegetable protein, hydrolyzed vegetable protein…Nearly 75% of processed foods contain these ingredients such as soda, cookies, chips and bread.

Use a shopping guide

If you are unsure to know every food that contains GMOs, you should consult a GMO food guide in form of books or online by using your phone.


If you’ve already tried every diet hack in every diet book but weight still clings to you like green on leaves, it’s easy to conclude you’re not on the right track. There is plenty of nutrition nonsense out there that makes you very confused whether you should follow or not. Here are 7 lies or myths sabotaging your weight loss that you still believe.

The lie: Skipping breakfast is to save calories.

Skipping breakfast can only sabotage your efforts to lose weight. Studies show that people who omit breakfast tend to weigh more than those who don’t. A high-nutrient breakfast can “jump-start” your body to a good calorie-burning progress and helps you eat less in the afternoon and avoid cravings for snacks before meals.

The lie: I shouldn’t eat after 6 p.m.

You can eat every time you need, just stop eating bad food late. No one has a strong desire for a spinach salad while mindlessly staring at the tube; ice cream, chips or other junk instead. Try to find a better snack option.

The lie: Carbs make you fat.

Carbs are not all bad. The truth is refined carbs such as refined grains and sugar are definitely associated with weight gain, but whole foods high in carbs are incredibly healthy. To lose weight, you should choose the right carbs instead of concentrating on overall carb intake. Eat vegetables, fruits and high-fiber whole grains. Can’t you deny an ice cream? Don’t worry. Burn it off with exercise.

The lie: Supplements can help you lose weight.

Supplements are just that- supplements to smart and healthy eating. There are no magic pills or creams alone that help you grow muscle or exfoliate fat. The right supplement choice may help, but smart eating and hard training are the only ways to get ripped.

The line: The fewer calories, the better.

Wrong. Total calories do matter, but the quality of them is important, too. Cutting down a 500-calorie burger with a 200-calorie soda is a far cry from eating the same calories in a handful of fruits, almonds and some wild salmon.

The line: All “calories” are equal.

The calorie is a measure of energy and all “calories” have the same energy content. However, this doesn’t equal that all calorie sources have the same effects on your weight. Different types of food pass through different metabolic pathways and can have different effects on hunger and the hormones regulating body weight. For example, protein can increase metabolism, suppress appetite and boost the function of weight-regulating hormones.


Being overweight doesn’t equal an ugly appearance if you have a little know-how and a dose of confidence. Dressing in the right way not only makes you feel comfortable but also shows off your features. Come on, girls.

Building a strong wardrobe

Know how to hide certain areas of your body
Colors and patterns you are wearing can draw other people’s attention and here are some basics ready for you.
--Dark colors hide whereas light colors highlight. If you like the waist, wear a light belt over a dark shirt or dress. If you want to hide your bottom half, wear dark pants and a light top.

--Choose small patterns on what you wear which can make you look smaller.
--Avoid horizontal stripes. However, if you want to look larger in the bust area, this is the choice.
--Instead of putting ruffles on the area you want to look smaller; do put them on the area you want to emphasize because ruffles catch people’s eyes.
--Wear gathered fabric on areas you want to look smaller. An example is one-piece swimsuit with ruched panels over the belly.

--Know what colors look good on you which can flatter your skin tone.
--Wear something baggy that ensure both style and well-dress option.

Wear well-fitting undergarments
The underclothes you wear are the foundation of your look. It is horrible when you are wearing flimsy underwear which can’t support you properly.
--Buy a fit bra which helps lift your figure and makes you younger. If you’re not sure about your size, you can search on the internet or visit the department store for a fitting.
--Wear low-legged, high-waisted underwear to lose a bit of girth around your hips and thighs.

Find fits and textiles that will flatter your bottom half
If you’re fat in the hips and legs (pear-shaped), look at these tips:
--Looking for tailored skirts and trousers instead of flared pants and wide-leg trousers.
--Avoid shapeless garments such as one-size dresses or broomstick skirts. Find something with a nipped waist.
--Find A-line cut skirt. Avoid pencil skirts because they outline your hips and waist.
--Buy at least a pair of well-fitting jeans. Skinny or straight-leg jeans in dark colors look great.
--Be careful with leggings because if you have large hips, thighs or bottom, it looks awful.

Dress to flatter your top half
If you are fat around your stomach and shoulders (apple-shaped), these following tips can help:
--Choose shaped T- shirts and dresses over “straight T” shirts and untailored dresses. They will be the perfect match to natural waist and shoulders.
--For men, get tailored shirts.
--For women, skip halter tops. You’ll want your shirt to cover your bra straps and they might be wide.
--Wear full-length cardigans and jackets.
--Try a tunic-style top on skinny jeans or leggings. Wearing a top that is not fitting is fine as long as the bottom half looks tailored and well-fitted.

Accessorize and match
--A big handbag helps you look smaller because it isn’t tiny next to you.
--Boots like “equestrian-style” can grab the illusion of a slender calf.
--If you have heavy legs and ankles, avoid delicate footwear because it will look as if you are about to fall over or sink into the floor. A wedge heel is a perfect choice.
--Last but not least, be confident in how you look.

Before you go shopping

Get into the right frame of mind
--Stop paying attention to the sizing tags. Don’t be heartbroken when the garment that fits you is big in size. Instead, cut the sizing tags of all your clothing.
--Spend time taking care of yourself because you are deserved. Telling yourself it’s OK and pay attention to your skin, hair, nails and makeup. Remember, you only have one and only body, be nice to it.

Wear clothing with confidence

Know your measurements
You have to know your size if you want to dress well although you consider it as a nightmare every time you use it. Try to remove the ideas as they are not the measurements of who you are.

Shopping for clothing

Make shopping as an exciting experience
Focus on quality over quantity

Buy age-appropriate clothing


More than 26 million American adults are suffering from kidney disease and over 90% of those with symptoms of the disease are unaware of it.

At the early stage of kidney disease, you may have few or no symptoms.
Kidney disease, also called kidney failure is the condition in which the kidneys gradually lose their function. The kidneys filter wastes and excess fluids in the blood which are then excreted through the urine and are also involved in regulating blood pressure, electrolyte balance and the production of red blood cells in the body. Therefore, when kidney disease reaches an advanced stage, there will be the build-up of dangerous fluid levels, electrolytes and wastes.

Although the only way to know for sure whether you have kidney disease is going get tested, there are a number of physical signs.

You find it very hard to sleep.
When the kidneys don’t filter properly, wastes and toxins stay in the blood instead of leaving the body through the urine. This can make you feel difficult to sleep.

You are much more tired, weak and having trouble concentrating.
A significant decrease in kidney function leads to the accumulation of toxins and impurities in the blood, making you tired, out of energy and difficult focusing.

You are suffering from frequent urination.
Do you really have the need to urinate more often, particularly at night? That can be a symptom of kidney disease. When the kidneys lose the ability to filter thoroughly, it can lead to an increase in the urge to urinate.

You see blood in the urine.
Healthy kidneys do the best job of filtering wastes from the blood to create urine and still keeping the blood cells in the body. Thus, when you have damaged kidneys, blood cells can start to “leak” out into the urine.

You have dry and itchy skin.
This sign is obvious when the kidneys are no longer able to keep the normal balance of nutrients and minerals in the blood.

You urine is foamy.
Excessive bubbles in the urine indicate the presence of protein in the urine. This foam looks like the foam you see when you scramble eggs.

You have poor appetite.
This is a common symptom of many diseases, but a reduced kidney function can be one of the causes.

Your ankles and feet are swollen.
Weak kidney function can cause sodium retention, leading to swelling in your feet and ankles.

Your muscles are cramping.
Impaired kidney function can cause electrolyte imbalances and cramping.

You are having persistent puffiness around your eyes.

Protein “leaks” out of the body through urine caused by damaged kidneys. The puffiness around your eyes can be due to the large amount of protein are losing in the urine.