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Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Packed with nutrients and antioxidants such as vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium and fiber, a glass of lemon water every morning not only help kick-start your day but also bring many brilliant health benefits.

 A glass of lemon water every morning not only help kick-start your day but also bring many brilliant health benefits.
Boost the immune system
Lemon juice contains a great source of vitamin C which helps strengthen the immune system and assist the body in the fight against cold and flu. Besides, it enhances the ability to absorb more iron, an important nutrient to maintain a healthy immune system.

Aid digestion
Lemon juice has a similar atomic structure with the digestive juices in the stomach, so it has a powerful effect on loosening toxins in the digestive tract and flushing them out from the body. Lemon juice can also help ease the symptoms of indigestion such as bloating, heartburn and burping.

Hydrate the body
It is crucial to stay hydrated, especially during the hot summer months. Of course, plain water is best, but many people are not drinking enough water because of its boring taste. Therefore, lemons come and make things more interesting.

Boost energy
The level of vitamin C in the body is one of the first things to help when you’re stressed. That’s why experts recommended an extra intake of vitamin C during extremely stressful days.

Repair skin
Lemon juice is loaded with antioxidants which help to not only decrease blemishes but also prevent the formation of wrinkles. Vitamin C is needed in the synthesis of amino acids into collagen which plays very important role in connect and protect skin tissues.

Support weight loss
Lemons reduce appetite since they contain pectin, a soluble fiber helping stave off hunger and give a stuffed feeling that make you less likely to have snacks in or between meals.

Cleanse the urinary tract
Lemon juice is a diuretic, so it is aimed to encourage the urine production. As a result, toxins are removed at speed rate helping detoxify the system and keep it healthy. Lemon juice can also change the pH levels in the urinary tract which discourage bacterial growth.

Purify the liver
Lemon juice helps purify and stimulate the liver by promoting the production of bile, an acid needed for digestion. It can also control the excess bile flow decreasing the amount of phlegm which is produced by the body and assisting in dissolving gallstones.

Reduce inflammation
Drinking lemon water on a daily basis will decrease the acidity in the body which is a cause of diseases. Lemon juice removes uric acid, a main cause of inflammation, from the joints.

Cut out caffeine

Many people are able to cut out caffeine by replacing their morning coffee by a lukewarm glass of lemon water. 

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