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Friday, October 16, 2015


What is anemia?
Anemia is defined as a decline in the amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood or a reduced capability of the blood to carry oxygen around. Hemoglobin, which gives the blood the healthy red color, is a main part of red blood cells and does the task of binding oxygen. It means that if you have too few or lower-than-normal red blood cells or hemoglobin is abnormal, the cells in your body will not receive enough oxygen.

What are the symptoms of anemia?
Once you had anemia, you might experience common symptoms such as fatigue or weakness, malaise, shortness of breath feeling faint and pale complexion. A variety of other symptoms may develop that depend on the underlying causes of anemia.

What causes anemia?
Causes of anemia may be classified as blood loss, impaired red blood cell (RBC) production and increased destruction of RBC. Indeed, the most common cause of anemia is blood loss through bleeding.

7 potent super foods to combat anemia naturally


Almonds contain essential nutrients including iron and vitamins that can treat anemia. These nutrients help increase hemoglobin production. The best way to use almonds for curing anemia is soak them in water overnight, removing their peels and eat. You can take six almonds a day.

Red meat
Red meat such as beef, ham and chicken is a great source of iron which is much easier for the body to absorb. Based on some studies, beef fulfils more than 600 per cent of the daily iron needs of the body. Moreover, seafood such as salmon, oyster, tuna and mussels which is loaded with iron is also excellent to combat anemia.

Pomegranates can treat anemia by supplying iron to the blood. They also has a good source of vitamins, fiber and potassium which help keep the healthy blood flow in the body.

Spinach is another wonderful plant-based remedy for anemia due to its iron and vitamin C-rich content. It also has some added health benefits of being stuffed with vitamin A, B, E and minerals like calcium and antioxidants like beta-carotene. Other leafy greens such as kale, collard greens, fenugreek and watercress have these same benefits.

A serving of 100 grams of honey enriches you with 0.42 mg of iron. Additionally, magnesium and copper present in honey can increase hemoglobin level in the body. A glass of fresh lemon juice mixed with honey every morning can efficiently fight against anemia.

Beetroot is choked up with iron helping repair the red blood corpuscles that resumes supply of blood to different organs in the body more properly than before. Including beetroot in salads or boiling with other vegetables for consumption is a good way to combat anemia. However, spicy cooking can destroy essential nutrients inside this awesome vegetable.

Tomatoes are naturally rich in vitamin C and lycopene that help in ready absorption of iron. You can add tomatoes to your favorite salads or simply enjoy a glass of tomato juice every day.

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