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Friday, October 2, 2015


Croton seed
Pinyin name: Ba Dou
Latin name: Fructus Crotonis
English name: Croton Seed, Croton Fruit
Croton fruit is the ripe fruit of Croton tiglium L., a perennial shrub or small- type tree of the Euphorbiaceae family.
Location and Harvest
It grows wildly in valleys, brook sides and wilderness in India, China and Thailand.
The fruit is gathered when it gets ripe.
Taste: Pungent
Nature: Hot and toxic
Entering Meridians: Stomach, Lung and Large Intestine
Best Qualities
Brown or grayish brown surface; large, plump, yellowish white and oily kernel
The ripe fruits are dried in the shade or piled up for 2- 3 days until they become moist and change color, and then dried in the sun. The dried kernels can be ground into powder, plaster or pills.
Major Chemical Constituents
It contains glyceride, 34- 37% oily substance, 18% protein, fatty acids (crotonoleic acid, tiglic acid), alkaloid (crotonoside) and flavonoids such as crotin which is very toxic.
Unblock and drastically Cold stagnation
- Drive out water and reduce edema
- Dispel Phlegm and relieve sore throat
- Help heal ulcers and kill parasites
Abdominal fullness, constipation, distention and pain, food stagnation
- Edema and ascites
- Difficult breathing, wheezing, full of phlegm, fullness and distention in the chest and diaphragm
- Ulcers and malignant sore scabies
Pills or powder: 0.1- 0.3 grams per day
Decoction: 1- 2 grams
Contraindications and Cautions
Forbid to be used during pregnancy and breast feeding
- Contraindicated for weak patients
- No hot foods or drinks should be consumed while administering the herb

·        It antagonizes Qian Niu Xi

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