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Thursday, October 1, 2015


Give up the following habits if you want your brain function properly.

Habit 1: Oversleeping weakens the quality of your mind. It even links to negative health effects such as anxiety and depression.

Habit 2: Scientists warned that the effects of smoking on the brain are extremely hazardous. A long- term smoking will diminish your memory power.

Habit 3: Malnutrition also makes your brain gradually lose the ability to remember and solve problem. Stop dieting and start caring for your mental health by eating brain- nourishing food.

Habit 4: Stress is another factor that kills your intelligence. Stay healthy by keeping stress far away from your daily life.

Habit 5: Apart from oversleeping, insomnia also impairs your brain’s capability. Ensure to sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours a day.

Habit 6: A high intake of alcohol can hamper your memory level, even lead to anxiety disorder and depression.

Habit 7: A sedentary or inactive lifestyle is not only bad for your overall health but also your brain. Start moving to sharpen your mind.

Habit 8: The most dangerous influence on your nervous system is caused by narcotics.

Habit 9: Scientists proved that loneliness may affect your mind. Staying in your room all day long and listening to your favorite kind of music without having contact with people around you gradually reduces your intelligence.

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