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Thursday, October 1, 2015


Cerebral vascular insufficiency is a syndrome in which brain is not supplied enough blood any oxygen. This disease leads to many irritable symptoms such as vertigo (dizziness), blurred vision, cluster headache, tinnitus, short-term memory loss…

Cerebral vascular insufficiency is a syndrome in which brain is not supplied enough blood any oxygen. This disease leads to many irritable symptoms such as vertigo (dizziness), blurred vision, cluster headache, tinnitus, short-term memory loss… This article would like to introduce a therapy using herbs according to Traditional Medicine.

Prescription 1: Ingredients: Fresh Kudzu root (Radix Puerariae) 15 – 18g, Gambir vine stems and thorns (Ramulus Uncariae cum Uncis) 6 - 9g. All these are cut into tiny segments which are then mixed, put into a small bag and dipped into a closed bottle of boiling water. Remember to use only 20-30g each time. Drink the fluid instead of tea. Effect: Produce fluid and pacify liver for patients with cerebral circulatory insufficiency due to osteochondrosis, hypertension, neck stiffness, tinnitus or deafness. Cautions: Do not use in case of diarrhea due to spleen and stomach deficiency.

Gambir vine stems and thorns
Prescription 2: Ingredients: Tall Gastrodia Tuber (Rhizoma Gastrodiae) 10g, Rhizoma Typhonii trilobati 9g, Szechuan Lovage Root (Rhizoma Chuanxiong ) 7g, Plantain Seed (Semen Plantaginis) 15g. All these are cut into tiny segments which are then mixed, put into a small bag and dipped into a closed bottle of boiling water. Remember to use only 40g each time. Drink the fluid instead of tea. Effect: Extinguish wind, improve visual acuity, dry damp and resolve phlegm. This prescription is used for patients suffering from cerebral circulatory insufficiency with symptoms of heavy-bodied feeling, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea and dysentery… Cautions: Do not use in case of yin deficiency and excessive heat.

Prescription 3: Ingredients: Cassia Seed (Semen Cassiae), Salvia Root (Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae), Szechuan Lovage Root (Rhizoma Chuanxiong), Maytree (Fructus Crataegi). Dosage and preparation as in prescription 1.Effect: Dissipate blood stagnation and reduce the concentration of cholesterol in blood. Cautions: Do not use during pregnancy and menstrual period.
Cassia seeds
Prescription 4: Ingredients: Safflower 10g, Salvia Root 30g, Maytree 30g. Decoct in water, take one dose per day, twice in the morning and evening. Effect: Nourish blood, eliminate stasis, and reduce cholesterol concentration in blood. Use this prescription in cases with hypertension, vertebrobasilar insufficiency and lipid disorder. Cautions: It is prohibited during pregnancy and menstrual period.

Prescription 5: Ingredients: Dry-fried Chinese Foxglove Root (Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae ) 12g, Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber (Radix Ophiopogonis) 12g, Figwort Root 12g, Dendrobium Stem (Herba Dendrobii) 9g, Glossy Privet Fruit (Fructus Ligustri Lucidi ) 9g, Herba Cistanches 9g. Decoct in water, take one dose per day, twice in the morning and evening. Effect: Clear heat, nourish Yin, tonify liver and kidney. Use for patients with symptoms of vertigo, cluster headache, dim and poor vision, numbness of limbs, shortness of breath, dryness in mouth and throat, dry stool or constipation, and red urination. Cautions: Do not use in case of damp phlegm, spleen and stomach deficiency and diarrhea and dysentery.

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