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Thursday, October 8, 2015


Fiber helps with digestion and the overall health. Moreover, high-fiber foods can be ideal for weight loss because the calories from insoluble fiber aren’t digestible.

Fiber is the indigestive part of plant-based foods that pushes through the digestive system, absorbing water along the way and lubricating bowel movements.

Fiber is also well-known for lowering blood sugar, reducing cholesterol or even preventing colon cancer and helping avoid hemorrhoids. Normally, the recommended daily amount of fiber is 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men. Moreover, high-fiber foods can be ideal for weight loss because the calories from insoluble fiber aren’t digestible.

Here is a list of high-fiber foods that you should take a look at for your own diet plan.


Oatmeal contains beta-glucan, a special type of fiber that helps lower cholesterol and boost immune system function effectively. Starting your day with a bowl of fiber-packed oatmeal will make you feel full until lunchtime. Oats is also a good mix of soluble fiber which has cholesterol-reducing effects and insoluble fiber which keep the digestive process running smoothly.


Beans including black beans, white beans, kidney beans and garbanzo beans are a great source of fiber and protein. A half cup of any of them contains around 6 grams of fiber. In addition, they are versatile foods that can be use to make veggies burgers, salad, Mexican stew…


Sure, not all soups pack fiber, but many types are choked up with the stuff such as split pea and lentil soups. In combination with high-fiber veggies like butternut squash and potatoes, these servings will increase feelings of fullness. Just notice your portion sizes and check the stats since dense soups can be high in calories.

Dark-colored vegetables

Vegetables are a great way to super-size meals and help you enjoy a big portion without caring about calorie count. Consuming high-fiber veggies like carrots, beets, Brussels sprouts… on a regular basis may give you a good chance to kick some pounds of your weight in a short period of time.


Whether they’re ruby-red or blue-black, raspberries are superstars. Not only being rich in fiber but one cup of raspberries also gives you about a third of your daily fiber that makes them one of the most fiber-dense foods in the world. 

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