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Thursday, October 1, 2015


Grey hair is a sign of getting old, but nowadays, even teenagers or young adults can go grey. It is termed as premature white hair, which becomes a great health and beauty concern for women.

Premature graying is a disease without pains and complications, but sometimes in conjunction with brittleness, loss of color and thinning of hair…
There are several factors causing early hair whitening such as chemical exposure, smoking, faulty diet, nutritional deficiency or genetic predisposition. There is no specific medicine for this "unattractive" disease.
Don’t worry! Your hair can regain the shine and radiance by resorting to the following natural home remedies.

Black beans
According to the result of many researches, it is suggested to consume black- colored foods against white hair, including black sesame seeds, black Chinese fungus, black beans, black sticky riceespecially black beans.

Preparation: Store steamed dried and roasted black beans in a closed container for gradual use. Take twice a day, 6g per time; chew thoroughly and combine with diluted salt water. Another way is boiling parched black beans with water for daily use.

Black sesame seeds
Besides black beans, black sesame seeds also help to impede the process of premature hair graying. Grind 300g of roasted black sesame seeds and 300g of dried tuber fleeceflower root into powder and then mingle with an adequate amount of white sugar. Take 2-3 teaspoons per time with boiled water, twice a day. Your hair will gradually turn darker without any harsh chemicals.

In addition, you can use sesame seeds with Chinese date. Grind the same dosage of steamed sesame seeds and Chinese date into powder, and then mix with a bender to form into pills. Take twice a day when hungry, and only one pill per time.

White mulberry leaves
Boil a handful of fresh mulberry leaves in water, and then add sesame oil to make hair treatment oil.Using this oil regularly (everyday) will help your hair to turn back again.

Locust pods
From the ancient time, locust fruits have shown the reputation for generate darker hair pigments. Locust fruit water helps your hair become smooth, aromatic, shine and raven. Boil water with 3-4 dried and parched locust pods, dilute with cold water and then wash your hair with it. However, it is a challenge for urban women because  it requires patience. Do not use with shampoo to get a better result.

Useful tips: Bedtime before 11 pm. According to Traditional Medicine, 11 pm to 3 am is the period when blood flows through liver and bile, so it is advisable to let your whole body relax; otherwise the liver’s capacity of recovering will be affected, causing the failure of supplying sufficient blood to the liver, associated with abnormal growth of hair. Avoid stress, relax and do scalp massage regularly to regulate blood Qi and limit hair graying.

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