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Friday, October 9, 2015


Blood pressure is the force of blood which pushes against the walls of the arteries when the heart pumps blood. High blood pressure, also called hypertension is a common disease happening when this force is too high.

                Hypertension occurs when the blood pressure is persistently at or above 140/90 mmHg for most adults.
Hypertension can be caused by many factors such as age, gender, genetic inheritance as well as “silent killer” factors including obesity, not getting enough exercise, smoking and alcohol. Most patients with high blood pressure have no signs or symptoms, even when blood pressure readings reach dangerous levels. However, hypertension can lead to fatal instances of stroke and heart attacks.

Lifestyle modifications, including diet changes can help you control and prevent hypertension, even if you’re taking medication. Creating a habit of consuming 5 following natural spices on a regular basis offers a kinder and gentler way to reduce the risk for serious complications.

Researchers have long been aware of the effective impact of garlic on the heart health. As far back as 1993, researchers did a test on a group of patients with hypertension who were taking large doses of garlic and found that those were able to reduce their blood pressure with no significant adverse effects.

Onions are a versatile spice used in many cuisines throughout the world. They contain a compound called quercetin, an antioxidant flavonol which was found to lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension when studied against the control group, based on 2007 research published in the Journal of Nutrition.

Turmeric is a commonly-used spice in a range of curries and Indian dishes which was shown to help reduce the blood pressure from patients who suffered from relapsing or refractory lupus nephritis according to the Journal of Renal Nutrition. It is also famous for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Not only being one of the most commonly used spices around the world but cinnamon also helps in the fight against high blood pressure and diabetes. In a study involving 58 patients from both conditions, it was discovered that 2 grams of cinnamon a day helps reduce both blood pressure levels and the A1C, a blood test which controls the overall blood glucose levels for a period of three months.

3 grams of cardamom powder daily give a chance for newly-diagnosed primary hypertensive patients to lower their blood pressure levels without any side-effects.

Adding these spices in your diet, along with lifestyle changes such as weight loss, smoking cessation, a regular exercise plan and alcohol reduction can help reduce the risk of serious complications of hypertension.

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