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Monday, October 5, 2015


Get fit, but don’t get fooled. Find out things that you may not get from your trainer.

More than 85% your results comes from your lifestyle, especially what you eat
Whether you want to gain muscle or lose weight, lifestyle and diet are the keys of the process. However advanced and special your workouts are, if your nutrition stinks then you will most likely get little results. Imagine! What will happen if after gym, you still consume lots of beloved junk foods? Of course, the answer is all your efforts will come to an end. Be smart to make a nutritional plan to support your target.
Don’t use 90% of the equipment in the gym
Go find another trainer if your trainer is taking you from machine to machine and spending no time on free weight or compound movements. The machines are there for those who don’t know how to exercise without the instructions of a trainer. They are fixed path working on one muscle at a time, not the most ideal way to have a time efficient workout.
You could spend a lot of money to get results
Most fitness trainers say it takes 3 to 5 months to get enduring benefits and it is best to start with at least three one-hour sessions a week, though you can reduce the number of sessions once you are confident enough to work on your own. As a result, personal training is not cheap. Notice! The period of time to gain desired results may last longer than you are told.
You don’t need a one-hour training sessions
If your trainer can’t push you enough in 30 minutes, you may just be paying for his or her company instead of expertise. While there are some types of workouts including heavier weights and longer rest periods some may opt to do, for the average personal training client, this is not the case. Don’t pay someone to just sit there and talk to you because you yourself can warm-up and do workout cardio.
Some of us still use steroids

The use of steroids and growth hormones is one of the major controversies in professional sports. It is illegal when a doctor prescribes, but any trainer who makes you as a customer in purchasing steroids is someone to avoid.

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