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Thursday, October 1, 2015


According to modern medicine, heart failure occurs when the heart fails to supply (pump) enough blood and oxygen to all the cells in our body which ensure the performance of cells and vital internal organs. 

According to modern medicine, heart failure occurs when the heart fails to supply (pump) enough blood and oxygen to all the cells in our body which ensure the performance of cells and vital internal organs. The causes can be somatic, cognitive or emotional lesions after being suffered pulmonary valve stenosis, mitral valve cleft, and aortic valve insufficiency… or other diseases which reduce ventricular diastole.

The term “heart failure” does not exist in traditional medicine; however, according to clinical symptoms, this disease is diagnosed as: anxiety disorder, asthma,sputum accumulation, hydropsy, blood stasis, spleen and heart asthenia, which is divided into various forms. Depending on kinds of heart failure, there will be different appropriate treatments. In traditional medicine, some herbs can be used as therapy to treat this disease. Hereinafter, we would like to recommend you several useful herbal remedies.

Remedy for heart failure patients with symptoms such as edema, dyspnoea andarrhythmia: Rehmannia glutinosa libosch, ginger, and cinnamon, 16g each; ophiopogon japonicas and colla corii asini, 10g each; radix glycyrrhiza uralensis, and semen ziziphi spinosae (hopea odorata), 6g each. Decoct and take one remedy per day.

Remedy for heart failure patients associated with nephropathy: Rehmannia glutinosa libosch250g; C. sanguinea, rhizoma dioscoreae, 120g each; cortex paeoniae suffruticosae, wolfiporia extensa, alisma plantago-aquatica, ophiopogon japonicas, 100g each; schisandra chinensis60g. All herbs shall be powdered and made into granular form of 2,5g. Take twice per day, 4 pills per time.

Remedies for heart failure patients by increasing diastolic force of myocardium include: 

- Remedy 1: Campanumoea javanica blume 20g; atractylodes macrocephala koidz., coix lacryma-jobi, ligusticum wallichi franch, achyranthes bidentata, salvia miltiorrhiza bunge, alisma plantago-aquatica, plantago major, aristolochia manshuriensis, 16g each. Decoct and take one remedy per day.

Remedy 2: Astragalus membranaceus, atractylodes macrocephala koidz., and campanumoea javanica blume,20g each; radix paeoniae lactiflorae, angelica sinensis, achyranthes bidentata blume, salvia miltiorrhiza bunge, and rhizoma dioscoreae, 16g each;  ligusticum wallichi franch, wolfiporia extensa,  and alisma plantago-aquatica,12g each. Decoct and take one remedy per day.

Remedies for heart failure patients with symptoms such as palpitation, shortness of breath, asthma, excessive tiredness, dizziness, sweating include:

- Remedy 1 : Salvia miltiorrhiza bunge, atractylodes macrocephala koidz., coix lacryma-jobi, rhizoma dioscoreae persimilis, and lycium barbarum ,20g each; campanumoea javanica blume, ophiopogon japonicus, glehnia littoralis fr. Schmidt ex miq., alisma plantago-aquatica,16g each. Decoct and take one remedy per day.

Remedy 2: Campanumoea javanica blume and atractylodes macrocephala koidz., 20g each; rehmannia glutinosa libosch, wolfiporia extensa, salvia miltiorrhiza bunge, and coix lacryma-jobi,16g each; ligusticum wallichi franch, angelica sinensis (oliv.) diels., peonia lactiflora pall, carthamus tinctorius L., and achyranthes bidentata blume,12g each; glycyrrhiza uralensis4g. Decoct and take one remedy per day.

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