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Thursday, October 1, 2015


According to Traditional Medicine, Kudzu contains a number of useful isoflavones, which has proved the value in treating fever, neck stiffness, cluster headache, measles, thirst, diarrhea, diabetes, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, superficial heat, tinnitus, deafness…

Most parts of Kudzu plants are used as medicine.
Kudzu, also known as Japanese arrowroot is a plant in the pea family which climbs, trails and coils over trees. The plant native to many regions in Asia can be consumed as a source of food and medicine. Most parts of Kudzu have been used as remedies for many diseases, especially its root which is harvested in winter and spring. After cleaned, peeled, sliced and then dried, the root is used as a herb (named Radix Puerariae) in Traditional Medicine.

According to Traditional Medicine, Kudzu contains a number of useful isoflavones, which has proved the value in treating fever, neck stiffness, cluster headache, measles, thirst, diarrhea, diabetes, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, superficial heat, tinnitus, deafness…

Here are some remedies for disease treatment.

Remedy 1: Cold, vomiting and headache syndromes in children
Bray 30g of Radix Puerariae, then mix with 2 big bowls of water. Decoct the mixture until there is 1 bowl of the fluid left. Make rice gruel from 50g of rice and the fluid. Add ginger and honey. Use in 3-5 days.

Remedy 2: Sunstroke, fever, headache, irritable bowel and vomiting
Drink the solution of 12g of Kudzu flour and sugar or decoct 20g and 12g of brayed Radix Puerariae and Indian bean respectively.

Remedy 3: Foodborne illness
Drink the extract from squeezing brayed raw, unprocessed Kudzu root and lotus root every day.

Alcohol poisoning (or alcohol hangover): Grind 30g of Kudzu flower, 4g of canker root, 30g of talc powder 15g of Chinese liquorice, then mix with an adequate amount of water to knead into pills. Take 3g each time.

Other useful remedies:

Dissolve Kudzu flour and sugar in boiled water. In summer, drinking this mixture can help release thirst, tiredness and sunstroke after a hard time of work or a long journey. Here is a tip for combining Kudzu flour with centella for the most effective result: Stir the extract of 20f of brayed centella, Kudzu root flour and sugar with boiled water. Then, drink or boil the mixture if needed. Kudzu flour can be also used as an adhesive ingredient in making tablets.

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