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Thursday, October 22, 2015


Researchers from Georgia Regents University in Augusta, US said that overweight or obese children who consumed a large amount of salt were likely to have a faster somatic cellular ageing process and suffer from heart- related diseases.

High salt intake can link to premature aging.
These health researchers studied the sodium consumption of 766 children between the ages of 14 to 18. The result showed that overweight or obese children who ate too much salt were likely to have shorter telomeres compared to children with a lower salt intake. Shorter telomeres are considered to be a cause of poorer health and predict an early death.

A telomere seems to be like a biological coat at each end of a chromatid, which prevents from deterioration. When we get older, telomeres also become shorter that leads to DNA damage and highly potential caught of ageing- related diseases such as Alzheimer, Diabetes mellitus, heart attack or stroke.

“Even a young healthy man can face a risk of cellular ageing if there is a combination of obesity and high sodium content,” said Professor Haidong Zhu, Leader of these researchers.

“The majority of salt in diets comes from manufactured food, so parents should take a notice in their children’ daily salt intake,” added this health expert.

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