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Thursday, October 22, 2015


More and more people are diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, which occurs when the pancreas fails to produce insulin or the insulin does not work effectively. Unlike Type 2 Diabetes, Type 1 Diabetes results from the failure of producing insulin of the pancreas.

Test your blood to know whether you are diabetic or not.
While Type 1 Diabetes cannot be prevented, Type 2 Diabetes can be managed through lifestyle modifications.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Diabetes is also known as Thirst, which is divided into three types: upper thirst, middle thirst and lower thirst. Symptoms of each type include: excessive thirst, hunger and frequent urination respectively.

Sometimes, patients diagnosed with Diabetes have signs of all three types.
TCM also stated that the cause of Diabetes relates to many factors: a diet with high consumption of fat and sugar; emotional disorder such as Major Depressive Disorder (MDD); body debility and other environmental factors.


Causes: Stay in hot and wet environment, excessive intake of fried and spicy food which leads to heat accumulation in the body. Eating excessive cold food and drinks will result in the weakness of the spleen.
Symptoms: Thirst but no desire to drink, hunger but no desire to eat, bitter taste, heavy-bodied feeling, thick coating of tongue, dark- colored urine and fast pulse.
Food remedies: Combine 100g of celery with 250g of tofu cooked in vegetable oil. Add green onions, ginger, corn flour, salt and sesame oil to taste.

Causes: Body debility due to childbirth and ageing, insufficient rest and excessive intake of hot food.
Symptoms: Dry mouth and throat; thirst and need for cold drinks; constipation; frequent hunger leading to overeating; perspiration at night; hot palms and soles; and tongue with little or no coating.
Food remedies: Mix 50g of rice with 100-250g of spinach to make porridge.

Causes: This phenomenon occurs in the later period of Diabetes when “bad heat” in the body weakens both qi and yin.
Symptoms: Excessive thirst, exhaustion, shortness of breath, unwillingness to speak, rapid heartbeat, insomnia, hot palms and soles.
Food remedies: Make soup from 20g of black fungus, 50g of lean meat and 10g of wolfberries. Add ginger and onion for easier taste.

Causes: A continuous yin deficiency will lead to a yang deficiency. For instance, a person who tends to speak a lot will reduce his or her yin due to the loss of salivary fluid and eventually stop his talking activity, which is activated by Yang.
Symptoms: Dry mouth, fear of coldness, pain in back and knees, frequent urination at night, dizziness, tongue with thick coating and teeth marks.
Food remedies: Stir-fry 300g of mushrooms with 100g of pork. Add green onions and sesame oil to taste

Causes: Chronic diseases with no treatment will affect qi, yin and yang causing numbness and soreness of the body.
Symptoms: Pain in chest, waist; diabetic complications including small blood vessels such as numb feet; dark- colored tongue and bluish lips; rapid heartbeat and insomnia.

Massage each acupoint in 3-4 minutes. These acupoints are aimed to diabetic syndromes.
They can be done on one or both limbs.

Neiguan point

Purpose: Balance qi in the body
Use a finger to find two tendons on the wrist of the other hand. Mark the area which is one- sixth the length from the wrist to the elbow. Use your thumb or forefinger to press on this point.
Tip: You can use a pen to do this.

Zusanli point

Purpose: Enhance qi regulation to treat tympanous syndrome, excessive hunger and fatigue.
Find the indent point located in the outer of knee. Place four fingers below this point. Right under your little finger, find the point is about one finger width away from the shin bone. You may feel a little bit sore when doing the massage.

Sanyinjiao point

Purpose: Circulate blood
Find the highest point of your inner ankle. Place four fingers on this point. Identify the spot located right above the topmost finger and behind the shin bone. You may feel a little bit sore when doing the massage.

Taixi point

Purpose: Nourish kidneys to reduce excessive urination, thirst and urination. Identify the indent spot between your inner ankle and the edge of the tendon right next to it. Press on this point.

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