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Friday, October 2, 2015


Lily bulb
Pinyin name: Bai he
Latin name: Bulbus Lilii
English name: Lily Bulb, Brown’s Lily Bulb, Lilium
Location and Harvest
Cultivated in most areas of China, plucked in autumn
Taste: Sweet, slightly bitter
Nature: Slightly cold (Cool), heart and lung meridians entered
Best qualities
Thick flesh, hard and white
Split off each bud scales and then sun-dry
Nourish Yin, moisten the lungs, clear heat and stop cough
- Clear the heart and calm the spirit
- Nourish stomach Yin and harmonize the middle Jiao
a) Lung Yin deficiency syndromes
It is indicated for Lung Qi and Yin deficiency with symptoms such as consumptive, dry and chronic cough; shortness of breath; white, yellow or bloody sputum that is difficult to expectorate or other heat signs such as night sweats, tidal fever.
b)  Heart Yin deficiency syndromes
It can nourish heart Yin, clear heart heat, pacify heart and induce tranquilization. It is combined with Yin- nourishing and heat- clearing herbs to treat symptoms of dark- yellow urine, rapid pulse absentmindedness due to heart Yin deficiency with heat or insomnia, dream- disturbed sleep, restlessness.
10- 30 grams
Contraindications and Cautions
Contraindicated for those with diarrhea due to Middle Jiao deficiency
- Do not use in cases of Wind- Cold or Phlegm cough

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