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Sunday, October 11, 2015


Among all tips on weight loss you ever read or know, it is tricky to figure out which one is giving you right information. That makes shedding excess pounds more challenging. So check out these weight-loss tips that are actually false.

1. Eating small meals a day

This may be familiar with you to hear about this many times, that eating several mini meals through the day is a should to lose weight. Unfortunately, researchers found out that it is the calories in your food that counts, not the frequency and amount of daily meals. So to drop your weight, you should count calories intake instead.

2. Focusing too much on achieving an ideal weight

A health study found that women who put the emphasis on the process of losing weight more than caring too much on the number on the scale have higher probabilities of succeeding. So focus on the process of losing weight with firm progress and fewer setbacks, which can motivate you to keep moving, help you see achievable outcomes and bring you positively emotional feedback.

3. Grabbing a snack to avoid eating too much during a regular meal

Having snack a couple of hours before a regular meal doesn’t help you eat less in main meals, actually. It does not impact positively on the calories you take as compared to those who skip snacks before main meals. In some cases, it can be even worse for your diet plan.

4. Workout increases your craving to eat more

Truly, it is not a good excuse for skipping gym. No evidence has been found to prove that exercise make you eat more. Further, weight loss plan does not just stick with smart diet and potion size, but also regular and suitable exercise routines.

5. Only use low or no calorie drinks to get fewer calories 

In fact, overweight and obese dieters who only drink diet beverages have the same amount of daily calories consumption as those drinking the sugary kind, simply because diet drinkers then compensate their calories intake by taking extra calories in food.  

6. Avoiding sweets while losing weight

Having no sweets at all during your diet time is not right. Actually, enjoying a moderate amount of dark chocolate is good to suppress you appetite. It contains healthy fats helping to reduce sugar absorption into the blood stream. So don’t deprive yourself from a small amount of good sweets.

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