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Friday, October 2, 2015


Pinyin name: Feng Mi
Latin name: Mel, Apis Mel
English name: Honey
Produced by honey bees (the genus Apis)
Location and Harvest
Commonly found in many regions all over the world, especially China, Turkey, Argentina…
Collected from spring to autumn
Taste: Sweet
Nature: Neutral; Large Intestine, Lung and Spleen meridians entered
Best qualities
Fresh honey is a pure and consistent fluid which has orange- yellow to brown yellow color. The honey, when poured, should form small temporary layers that disappear fairly quickly. No purities, stinking smell.
Raw or boiled
Lubricate the Intestines
- Moisten the Lung and stop cough
- Nourish the Spleen and Stomach and relieve pain
- Dispel toxins
Dry stool or constipation due to dryness in the Intestines. It is taken after mixing with water or combining with yin- nourishing, blood- supplementing, intestines- lubricating herbs such as Sheng Di Huang, Dang Gui, Huo Ma Ren
- Heat toxins of the skin and ingestion of poisonous substances
- Dry cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, dry throat with little sputum due to lung deficiency
- Pain in abdomen, poor appetite due to spleen and stomach deficiency
15- 30 grams
Contraindications and Cautions
- Contraindicated for those with Dampness or Phlegm
- Use with cautions for those with loose stool, abdominal fullness
- Do not use raw honey for infants under 1 year old because it can cause allergic reactions

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