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Friday, October 2, 2015


Beautyberry leaf
Pinyin name: Zi Zhu
Latin name: Folium Callicarpae Formosanae
English name: Beautyberry leaf, Callicarpa leaf
Zi Zhu is the leaf of Callicarpa pedunculata R.Br, a deciduous shrub in the Verbenaceae family with tiny branches showing indistinct lenticels.
It is found in woods, particularly on moist areas and distributed throughout the southern America, China, Philippines and Vietnam.
Harvesting and Processing
Zi zhu is collected all the year round, especially in summer, and died in the sun.
Taste: Bitter and astringent
Nature: Cool
Entering meridians: Liver, Lung and Stomach
Best qualities
Grayish green or brownish green on the upper side, pale green or light brownish green on the lower side, grayish yellow twig, weak smell and bitter taste.
Major Chemical Constituents
Zi zhu contains flavones, tannin, resin, carbohydrates, magnesium, calcium and ferric salts.
Activate blood and stop bleeding
- Resolve toxicity and treat burns and sores
Internal and external bleeding such as nose bleeding, vomiting of blood, blood in the urine and stool, bleeding gums
- Burns, scalds and sores
Decoction: dried 10- 15 grams, fresh 30- 60 grams. Powder 1.5- 3 grams
Contraindications and Cautions
Forbid to be used in hypertension patients
- Use with care in case of bleeding from Deficiency and Cold

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