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Monday, October 26, 2015


Researchers have created a “wonder drug” from bananas that can kill off a wide range of viruses involving hepatitis C, flu and AIDS.

A drug made from a protein found in bananas can kill off a wide range of deadly viruses- including hepatitis C, AIDS and flu.
Scientists have created a new version of banana lectin or “BanLec”- the key ingredient present in a protein found in bananas - which can fight viruses in mice and doesn’t cause any unexpected irritation and inflammation. BanLec (BL) works by clinging to sugar molecules on the surface of some of the world’s deadliest viruses. When BanLec has locked onto the virus, it is rendered harmless and can be disposed of easily by the immune system of the body. In experiments on mice, H84T- the new form of BL – could stop mice getting flu and also worked on tissue and blood samples against AIDS, flu and hepatitis C.

The scientists believe this drug may work on Ebola because all of those viruses are covered in similar sugar molecules which BL clings to. However, they warn a regular consumption of bananas will not achieve the same beneficial effects since the ingredient is a modified version of the chemical present in the fruit.

“What we’ve done will be the root to develop BL into a broad anti-viral agent and a potentially effective remedy for influenza and improving the immune system. In particular, this drug can fight against vicious viruses such as Ebola, hepatitis C, SARS and AIDS…We also have a strong belief that BL can be useful in situations such as emergency pandemic response and military setting,” said David, professor of internal medicine at Michigan University and leader of the researchers.

“However, the only problem here is that several years of research are still ahead before BL can be tested on humans,” added he.

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