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Wednesday, October 7, 2015


It isn’t easy for those with diabetes to come up with inventive and tasty snack and meal options that are actually nutritious because they have to follow strict diets in order to keep blood glucose levels within acceptable bounds.

5 weird food combinations which are really tasty and high in nutritional content are recommended below. If you are suffering from diabetes, maybe you should give them a try.

Hummus and apples

Hummus is a food dip or spread made from cooked, mashed chickpeas blended with sesame seed paste, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and salt. It is an excellent source of healthy unsaturated fat and dietary fiber which can help to increase the feeling of fullness and slow down the blood sugar levels. In combination with apples, this snack shows off the double effects. Apples are rich in carbohydrate and nutrients.

Peanut butter and carrots

Although some of carbohydrates in carrots come from sugar, carrots are also loaded with fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and folate. Sure, you can’t eat the whole bag, but one or two servings will obviously keep you full and provide a huge nutrition punch. Moreover, the combination of carrots and peanut butter can help slow down the digestion process. As a result, your blood glucose won’t rise as quickly.

Brown rice crackers topped with almond butter and jalapenos

This combo is actually tasty, nutritious and carbohydrate controlled. Studies have shown that spicy foods like jalapenos which contain capsicum can increase metabolism temporarily. In combination with brown rice and almond butter, this snack is packed with protein, fiber and healthy fats.

Sardines, capers and tomato sandwich

Sardines are low in mercury, rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. High EPA and DHA intake may be beneficial to people with diabetes, particularly those with increased triglyceride levels or with a history of heart attack.
Sardines are a free carbohydrate food that means they will not provide blood sugar level a chance to rise. Serve them with tomatoes and capers or place them between 2 slices of whole grain bread for a low carbohydrate lunch or dinner.

Turkey bacon and grapefruit lettuce wraps

This combination is high in protein and low in saturated fat. Half a grapefruit only contains 52 calories, 13g carbohydrate, 2g fiber and 64% vitamin C content. However, this combo may not work for everyone. People with a history of hypertension should choose lower sodium turkey bacon.

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