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Thursday, October 15, 2015


Weight loss is a process that no magic food or exercise machine can give you what you dream about immediately. Getting lean requires being mindful of selecting suitable diet for your body, making time of fat-burning exercise program and strengthening your core. During that exercise time, using proper equipment in the gym regularly can contribute to your effort of burning calories and losing weight.

Stationary Bicycles
Stationary cycling does not only help to lose weight, but it also is a good choice to avoid from weather problems that outdoor cycling. It also has been noted to provide good workout avoiding weight bearing joints and reduce potential to cause injury. It is suggested by physical therapists to cycle in 5 minutes and 3 times a day for beginner. Gradually increase the time by every 5 minute to each session. Optimum times can be 30, 45 or 60 minutes a day, which helps burn significant calories amount in case food intake is controlled also. For casual cycling on stationary bicycle in 1 hour can burn around 520 - 622 calories for those between 155 and 185 pound.

Using the treadmill is a good way for aerobic workout, especially when the weather condition is not suitable for outside walking. For 160 pound exerciser, 2 miles per hour walk on treadmill can burn 181 calories, and 2.5 miles per hour walk can burn 276 calories.

Rowing Machines
Rowing machine offers a complete total body workout that involves the use of back, legs, abdomen and arms. It provides "an efficient and effective low-impact exercise" – according to the American College of Sports Medicine. The recommendation goes for at least 30-minute session of workout but it should not too intense for the exerciser. Practice regularly 5 times a week should be followed. It is a good and safe way to shed weight combined with low calories diet. 

Exercise using steppers or mini steppers provides muscle-strengthening workout for many part of the body including shoulders, arms, legs, hips, back, abdomen and chest. When this is used as a part in daily exercise program can contribute to burn calories for weight loss. This is suggested to practice with steppers in regular exercise regimen of 2 or more days in a week. One- hour session of practicing on stepper can burn more around 450 calories.

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