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Friday, October 2, 2015


Hair loss, constant sickness, muscle loss and weakness are easily- recognized signs of protein deficiency.

Protein deficiency makes workouts and physical activities harder than normal.
Hair loss
Protein is the building block of all cells in the body, including those that make up hair follicles. When you don’t eat enough protein, the body will try to restrain stored proteins by shifting growing hairs into a resting mode.
While hair loss or thinning may occur immediately for some, it may take months for others to recognize. However, the good news is that once your protein intake is back as normal, the hair growing process will resume.
Constant sickness
Protein helps your muscles look firm and strong, but more importantly, it helps you stay healthy. Moreover, the immune system needs protein to function properly. If you don’t get an sufficient amount of proteins from your diet, the proteins in your body that fight off invaders like bacteria and viruses will be broken down and used as energy.
This makes the body difficult to heal wounds and fight infections, so you will be more vulnerable to colds and illnesses.
Muscle loss
You have practiced so hard to achieve a sculpted body, but all your efforts will become useless if you aren’t provided enough protein. At this time, your body is forced to break down muscles to create fuel and energy. Not only does this diminish lean muscle mass, which can slow down metabolism, but it also prevents important enzymes like collagen and hemoglobin- a protein helps deliver oxygen- from doing their functions. This can be dangerous in the long run.
Muscle weakness

Is it a real challenge for you to carry groceries from your car to the refrigerator? That is your diet. Protein deficiency means the body will break down stored proteins in the forms of muscles and tissues. This can shrink your muscle mass and diminish your strength gains, making workouts and daily physical activities more difficult.

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