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Wednesday, October 7, 2015


The liver is a vital organ located in the upper- right portion of the abdomen, below the diaphragm. It has a wide range of functions, including regulating the composition of blood, flushing out harmful toxins from the blood as well as processing and converting nutrients absorbed by the intestines during digestion into forms that can be used by the body. The liver also stores some nutrients such as vitamins, iron and other minerals.

An unhealthy lifestyle, including diet can overload the liver, leaving it unable to process toxins and fat properly. This in turn increases the risk of obesity, heart-related diseases, chronic tiredness, headaches, digestive problems and many other health problems.

Therefore, it is very important to keep the liver healthy and function as the tasks it must do. One of the best ways is using natural remedies to rejuvenate and detoxify your liver.

Read on and find out top 10 liver-cleansing super foods.


Garlic helps activate enzymes in the liver that can remove toxins from the body. It also contains allicin and selenium- the two compounds aid in liver-cleansing process and protect the liver from toxic damage. Moreover, garlic lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels that overload the liver and diminish its functions.


A great source of vitamin C, pectin and antioxidants present in this fruit also supports the cleansing process of the liver. It contains glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that helps defeat free radicals and purifies the liver. It is advisable to drink a glass of grapefruit juice or enjoy the whole in your daily breakfast.


An antioxidant D- Limonene and a high amount of vitamin C found in lemons help the liver produce more enzymes aiding digestion and detoxification. Lemons also boost the liver absorb minerals.

Green tea

Drinking green tea on a regular basis helps your body remove toxins and fat deposits while keeping you well-hydrated as well as preventing liver cancer due to a high content of antioxidants and catechins in green tea.


Avocados contain potent chemicals that may reduce liver damage. This fruit is loaded with glutathione- a compound helps to cleanse harmful toxins and keep the liver work efficiently.
A high amount of monounsaturated fat in avocados reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol in the blood. In addition, avocados are packed with many minerals, vitamins and nutrients that keep the overall liver healthy and help break down fats.


Turmeric is an amazing herb which brings many health benefits. It activates enzymes in the liver that aid detoxification and helps regenerate damaged liver tissues.
Tips: Mix ¼ tsp of turmeric powder in a glass of water and boil it. Drink the mixture twice a day for a couple of weeks.


An apple a day can keep doctors at bay. Apples are rich in pectin- a soluble fiber helps cleanse toxins in the digestive tract and cholesterol in the blood- which prevents the liver from being overloaded.
Moreover, apples contain a natural cleansing nutrient called malic acid which can remove carcinogens and other types of toxins from the blood.

Walnuts are high in amino acids and omega-3 fatty acids that aid the cleansing process and maintain the proper functions of the liver.
You can munch on walnuts as a daily snack or just sprinkle them over a salad, dishes or soup.

Being rich in glucosinolates, broccoli can dissipate carcinogens and other harmful toxins in the body. It also contains a high fiber content which supports the digestion process. Moreover, it is loaded with fat-soluble vitamin E- an important antioxidant helps the liver to carry out its functions.


High in plant flavonoids and beta-carotene, beetroots are considered as a powerful food for cleansing and supporting liver function.

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