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Monday, October 26, 2015


Jackfruit, botanically known as Artocarpus heterophyllus, is a huge tropical tree in the mulberry and fig family. It is typically native to South East Asia and has originated in India. Nowadays, the jackfruit tree is widely cultivated throughout many tropical regions of the world, especially in Vietnam and Thailand- the two largest producers and exporters of this fruit. Despite the blunt thorn-like outer surface, the fruit is not only deliciously sweet in taste but also packed with many nutrients and health benefits.

Nutritional value
Jackfruit is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, electrolytes, carbohydrate, fiber and protein. One serving of 100 grams of edible jackfruit bulbs provides 95 calories, but contains no cholesterol and saturated fats. It is one of the rare fruits high in B-complex group of vitamins and also rich in vitamin C, magnesium and potassium. Look at the nutrition chart of jackfruit for details.

Health benefits
Optimizing immune function
Jackfruit is a high graded anti-oxidant owing to dense concentration of vitamin C. It strengthens immune function and protects the body from common diseases like cough, flu and cold or critical conditions like cancer and tumors.

Providing a high energy source
Jackfruit contains high amount of calories and carbohydrates but no cholesterol and hardly any fats. Further, it has a healthy amount of simple sugar such as fructose and sucrose that are easily digested by the body and give instant energy. In other words, people with diabetes who are suffering from high glucose levels and sugar spikes can enjoy the fruit without worrying about the sugar levels.

Maintaining blood pressure and cardiovascular health
Potassium is one of the key components that regulate blood pressure. Normally, our body needs 4700 mg of potassium daily. Optimum balance of potassium helps control the sodium level in the body. Thus, potassium deficiency can drive sodium levels out of control causing substantial damage to heart and the arteries. Besides, potassium plays an important role in coordinating and maintaining muscle function including heart muscles. Jackfruit contains a good amount of potassium which contributes to 10% of our daily requirement.

Aiding digestion
Jackfruit involves both soluble and insoluble fiber with soluble content of 25% of the total fiber. Soluble fiber is known as the one which is digested and releases energy whereas insoluble fiber just passes through the gastrointestinal tract which adds bulk to stools and softens them for easier exit. It keeps the tract clean, reduces a build-up and prevents constipation.

Improving eyesight
Jackfruit is a rich source of vitamin A and its equivalent in form of beta carotene and lutein zeaxanthin that protect eyes from infections, improve eyesight and prevent vision related problem such as cataract and macular degeneration.

Preventing cancer
Jackfruit contains anti-oxidants, phytonutrients and flavonoid that build up a barrier from cancer. Anti-oxidants present in this fruit protect the body from free radicals that are produced due to oxidative stress in the body causing damage to the DNA of cells and creating cancer cells. The fruit provides protection against colon, lung and oral cavity cancers.

Benefiting skin health and ageing
Ageing is caused by the increase in age and other factors such as pollution, UV radiations and unhealthy lifestyle. The anti-oxidant properties and high water content of the fruit can keep skin healthy, hydrated and reduce the wrinkles and dryness.

Treating asthma
Jackfruit root has been found to be a highly effective remedy for patients suffering from asthma. Boiling its root and drinking the fluid can alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Strengthening bones
A high amount of calcium in jackfruit helps strengthen and promote healthy bones. A regular consumption of jackfruit can manage and prevent bone-related illnesses such as arthritis and osteoporosis. High potassium content in the fruit also decreases the loss of calcium through the kidney and increases the calcium density in bone.

Curing anemia

Jackfruit is choked up with vitamin A, E, C and K, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, copper, pantothenic acid, manganese and magnesium that are required for blood formation. This also increases the body’s capacity to absorb iron preventing and curing anemia.

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