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Thursday, October 1, 2015


Cinnamon can be often used as a flavoring in food such as cakes, coffee, hot chocolate or many other drinks. Nevertheless, have you ever noticed that cinnamon is rich in calcium, fiber, iron, flavanols, manganese, and some antioxidants? In fact, cinnamon can surprisingly help improve your overall health.

Brain power booster
Inhaling the aroma of cinnamon may boost cognitive process and help enhance brain functions. Cinnamon helps increase memory power, concentration and reduce the risk of Alzheimer. However, you should not abuse it. Supplying a bit of cinnamon every day or simply adding a few dashes of cinnamon to your morning coffee will make you feel more relaxed with less irritability, depression, and headache.

Cardiovascular health booster
Calcium and fiber in cinnamon are two of the nutritional components that help protect heart muscles against disorders, thus strengthen cardiovascular health. Cinnamon should be included in your family diet for a healthier heart, and to avoid high blood pressure and coronary diseases.

Weight loss
Along with a healthy diet and regular exercise, cinnamon may also help to lose weight. Cinnamon boosts the metabolism and adjusts the level of sugar in blood, which have  a direct impact on losing weight. Just add a little cinnamon into oatmeal, yogurt, or any appropriate foods and drinks. However, it is necessary to be patient because losing weight is a long process.

Cancer prevention and treatment
Eating cinnamon regularly helps prevent the growth and radiation of cancer cells. The cancer cells absorb glucose and ignore metabolism signals, so it is important to control sugar levels. ½ teaspoon of cinnamon everyday in oatmeal or milk, etc. will help release worries and effectively avert cancer germs.

Mood control during PMS
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) has a wide variety of symptoms including the vagaries of feelings. Meanwhile, cinnamaldehyde and manganese in cinnamon will help balance hormones, control mood swings and prevent cramps during PMS.
To relieve the symptoms of PMS, it is advisable to combine cinnamon with anti-PMS foods such as bananas, dark chocolate, nuts, avocado, almond milk and yogurt.

Gum protection
It is not surprised that cinnamon is one of the most common ingredients in many mouthwashes and chewing gums. Cinnamon has antibacterial properties and helps protect gums and teeth from damage, simultaneously improve the quality of your breath.
That shall be a compelling reason to add cinnamon to your family meals.

Complexion enhancer
Due to antibacterial properties, cinnamon helps reduce skin irritation, redness and prevent acne effectively. You just put a little honey and several pieces of cinnamon on acne within 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water; remember not to leave it overnight. Acne will get clearly smaller and dimmer in the next morning.

Cautions: Although cinnamon has many health benefits, it shall not be abused. High cinnamon intake can lead to stomach irritation, causing damage in the lining of the stomach and digestive system such as stomach ulcer. That can also contribute to the increase of heart rate, force heart to overwork; cause blood thinners and poison liver and kidney, etc. 

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