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Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Whenever you have pains or injuries, it is a common thought that the only cure is to go to the pharmacy and take some drugs. However, there are a lot of treatments available in our kitchens that work for many common health problems. 

Here are some effective and natural home remedies.

Cinnamon for Diabetes

If you are suffering from diabetes, cinnamon should be available in your kitchen. It has been confirmed from the studies that one can decrease blood sugar by 10-29% if he or she uses 1-3 grams of cinnamon every day. Further, it brings other health benefits by lowering cholesterol, diminishing inflammation and regulating blood pressure. Adding cinnamon into coffee or tea before brewing will be better than eating directly, because active ingredients in this spice can be broken down by saliva. For home remedies, it is suggested to use one forth or half a teaspoon of cinnamon each time, and do it 2 – 3 times a day.

Vinegar Control Blood Sugar Levels

Vinegar helps limit carbohydrates absorption, particularly when it is used with high- glycemic meals. In order to keep blood sugar stable, use 2 tablespoons of vinegar with little water and stevia or xylitol during or before the meal salad dressings or other foods can be added also.

V8 for Hypertension 

For patients with hypertension, a great natural home remedy can come from high intake of potassium taken from fruits and vegetables. But instead of taking at least 5 servings per day, low-sodium V8 juice can be similarly beneficial. 8-ounce glass of V8 contains 840 mg of potassium and other nutrients and magnesium to help lower blood pressure. So you just need to drink 6 – 8 ounces in the morning and evening to get better health.

Reduce High Blood Pressure with Hibiscus Tea 

Containing several protective polyphenols, hibiscus tea is really helpful in reducing blood pressure with similar effect as antihypertensive drugs. In a recent study, it has been found out that those with systolic blood pressure higher than 129 mmHg who drank 3 cups of hibiscus tea a day in continuous 6 weeks had a 14 mmHg reduction in average in systolic blood pressure.

Ginger for Nausea

For a natural nausea treatment, ginger is a good try. This spice eases queasiness produced by everything from stomach flu and seasickness to morning sickness and chemotherapy. To make ginger tea, you just need to slice a 2-inch piece of fresh ginger, add to 4 cups of water, boil all and simmer for 15–20 minutes.

Treat Gas by Fennel Seeds

Chewing fennel seeds after the meal is a traditional Ayurvedic treatment for gas and indigestion that works out. Or this can be used to make tea by adding and steeping 1–2 teaspoons of these seeds into boiling water for one cup.  You can find these seeds in the spice shop or grocery stores.

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