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Thursday, October 15, 2015


Many women today get busy working and caring for their family and can leave little time for themselves at the gym. Further, they also may be fighting against excess weight especially in their waist or belly area due to stress and fast pace lifestyle. Fortunately, some following simple stomach-slimming exercises can be done just in a few minutes right at your desk to help you stay toned and get rid of this problem.

Chair Crunches
This simple exercise allows you to practice intense abdominal workout just while sitting down in your working corner. First, sit upright on the edge of your chair. If it is a rolling chair, make sure to lock the wheels or let the chair’s back brace against the wall.  Inhale deeply and lean back slightly while raising your legs together off the floor. Exhale, bend your knees, bringing them to your chest. Inhale and straighten the legs again, then exhale and crunch. Repeat this process 10 times for the first practice, increase more when you get familiar.

Plank Pose
Basically, this exercise is done on the floor, but at workplace you can use chair or desk. Use your office chair, remember to lock the wheels or brace it against the wall. Face your chair, put your arms or forearms on the seat, keep upper arms straight and shoulder strong. Keep 2 legs straight. Hold deep breath for around 1 minute then rest. Repeat 2 or 3 times. Try lowering your chair to get more intense level. The closer your body is to the floor, the stronger your abdominal muscles can get.

Seated Twists
This exercise is inspired by yoga seated poses to create a gentle stretch exercise. This helps practice for the sides and relieve tension from low back. Sit upright in your chair, keep your feet flat on the floor. Cross the right leg over the left, inhale and reach right arm overhead. Rest on the back of your head. Exhale and twist to the right, look over the right shoulder. Press your left arm against the outsider of the right knee to stretch more. Hold deep breath for 1 minute. Then repeat on the opposite side.

Side Stretch
This yoga stretch can also be done at your desk to help tone your external oblique muscles. Sit upright on the edge of your chair. Inhale and raise both arms overhead. Interlock your fingers, and press the palms toward ceiling. Exhale and stretch your body to the right while keeping arms straight. Inhale and back to the center. Exhale again and stretch to the left then back. Start with first 10 times for both sides. Then increase to 20 repetitions.

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