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Friday, October 2, 2015


Positive habits you establish during this time tend to stick and become the foundation of your life in the future. Establishing good ones can help you to make differences.
Whoever you are, enjoy every moment in your own life.
1. Learn from every failure.
No matter how intellectual you are, you will make terrible mistakes and sometimes you have to deal with unexpected challenges and face unanticipated failures in your life.
However, just accept them as lessons and draw on your own experiences because what you have learnt from failure will be a strong and helpful cornerstone for your future success.
2. Take measured risks
Risks are inevitable. When you are young, you do not need to worry for anyone and you are free to do whatever you like without a fear of affecting others.
However, when hitting 30, you become the pillar of your family. Be more cautious and anticipate the risks if you decide to venture at this age.
3. Associate with those who make you better
If you really want to reach your highest potential, you have to consistently associate with people who are better than you, who challenge you and whose strong points force you to learn more. Only when you are under tough working conditions, can you improve your abilities.
4. Build meaningful professional relationships
You should always take an opportunity to meet experts, professional and respected colleagues in your work and stay in touch with them. This habit will help you expand your network of relationships and you are exposed to more opportunities in your career.
5. Save and invest for the future.
It is essential for you to develop this good habit, and the earlier the better. Consider taking a portion of your salary and putting it into savings fund. Simultaneously, the target for the savings fund should be set and followed consistently. 
6. Take care of your health
Your health is the most important. You cannot stay as good and strong forever as your 20s. The later you shed bad health habits of your youth, the more regretted you will feel.
Set your health as the top priority over things that you need to do. Don’t throw yourself into harmful habits.
7. Love what you do
If you don’t like the current job, look for another one. If you haven't found it yet, keep trying. Don't settle, don’t force yourself because you will not devote and be attached to it in a long period of time.
8. Keep work from overtaking your personal life.
Whoever you are- a normal man or a workaholic, understand that you can actually encourage yourself to a more productive target by allowing yourself to enjoy your own life.

Therefore, don’t develop the habit of letting work affect your personal life. This will help you live a more comfortable and happier life.

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