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Friday, October 16, 2015


Memory loss can affect anyone, particularly during times of tiredness and stress. It has been proved that people over age 40 are likely to have certain amount of cognitive decline even in healthy people without other memory disorders such as Alzheimer's, according to the New York University Langone Medical Center. Besides a good lifestyle including healthy eating, regular physical activity and sufficient rest, natural herbs may help to treat aged-related decline and boost memory power.

Gingko Biloba
Gingko biloba can be considered as the best known herb for memory function thanks to terpenoids present in this herb that help reduce stickiness of platelets, improve blood circulation, increase oxygen flow to the brain and the body. However, some side effects may occur such as diarrhea, dizziness, headaches or allergic reaction if ginkgo biloba is taken too much, thus advice or consultancy from the doctor is suggested.

 Gotu Kola
Gotu kola has been used for thousands of years in Asian countries such as India, China and Indonesia for mental clarity. It stimulates cerebral circulation, improving blood circulation to the brain and increasing memory function, intelligence and attention span. Triterpenoids – a compound in this plant acts as a brain booster.

Rosemary Oil
Not only adding distinctive flavor to your meal but rosemary essential oil can also bring benefits for a long-term memory function. A compound in this oil aroma called 1,8- cineole has been proved to increase mental performance. This helps people after inhaling diffused rosemary oil can improve their long-term memory function.

Lecithin Supplement
Although lecithin supplement is not a herb, it is recommended to be a good natural supplement for memory. It contains a compound called phosphatidylcholine – an original form of acetylcholine, which encodes new memories. A study cited that using lecithin in 4 or 6 week duration can help improve cognitive function and one dose of this supplement helps elevate choline levels. 

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