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Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Mosquitoes and the diseases which they spread have been blamed for killing more people than any wars in the history, even nowadays, mosquitoes carrying malaria kill 2 to 3 million every year.

Lemon eucalyptus oil is one of the most effective natural repellants.
Have you ever wonder why you easily attract mosquitoes, compared to your family’s members or even your roommate lying next to you on the same bed? They call you a mosquito magneto and of course you’re frequently tired of having itchy and bumpy skin.

WATCH OUT! Mosquitoes and the diseases which they spread have been blamed for killing more people than any wars in the history, even nowadays, mosquitoes carrying malaria kill 2 to 3 million every year.

4 reasons mosquitoes bite you more than others
--You talk too much: Of course, it is just a joke. Mosquitoes are attracted by carbon dioxide, so those exhaling, talking or breathing more than others attract more mosquitoes.

--You type of blood is O: According to many studies on “mosquito landing preferences”, people with blood type O attract more biting insects than those with blood type A,B or AB.

--Sweating: People sweating much or with higher body temperatures are more likely to send signals to mosquitoes and they become a real buffet for those irritable creatures.

--Mosquitoes are alcoholics: People who drink alcohol attract mosquitoes more than those that don’t.

Toxic ingredients in mosquito repellents
One of the most commonly used ingredients in insect repellants is DEET or N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide which can cause skin rash, numbness, burning, nausea, dizziness and headaches. Rats exposed to DEET can even experience brain cell death.

Natural mosquito repellents
Lemon eucalyptus oil (OLE)
Used since the 1940s, lemon eucalyptus oil is one of the most effective natural repellants. This oil has even been approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a beneficial mosquito repellants. A mixture of 32 per cent of eucalyptus oil gives more than 95 per cent protection against mosquitoes for at least three hours.

Lavender flowers crushed produce an oil and fragrance that help repel mosquitoes. You can grow lavender in the outside garden or indoor. Crush lavender flowers or apply the its oil to the mosquitoes’ bites or pour some drops of lavender oil on a clean cloth and cover it onto the skin. Moreover, lavender has analgesic and antiseptic properties that not only prevent mosquitoes but also calm and soothe the itchy areas.

Cinnamon oil
Cinnamon is more than a great spice in many dishes. Based on a study conducted in Taiwan, cinnamon oil kills off mosquito eggs and also acts as an insect repellant against adult mosquitoes. However, be careful because a concentrated dose of this oil on the skin can be irritating.

Mix a quarter tsp of cinnamon oil and 4 ounces of water to make a diluted solution. Spray the solution on your skin, clothing or around your home.

Catnip oil

This mosquito repellant can also ward off mosquitoes for seven hours, according to EPA. 

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