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Friday, October 2, 2015


A glass of warm honey water to start your day helps improve immune system, protect throat, dispel toxins and nourish skin.

A glass of warm honey water helps wash off toxins in the body.
According to Lifehack, water is very good for your health, but do you know a glass of warm honey water every day is even better?
Boost your immune system
Honey is packed with enzymes, vitamins and minerals which help build a barrier against harmful bacteria. Be a smart customer to sort out the best types of honey.
Flush out toxins
Honey and warm water is one of the best combinations to dispel toxins accumulated in the body. A tip is adding lemon juice into the mixture in order to increase the benefits.
Say hello to a radiated and smooth skin
Honey is a natural anti-oxidant which helps keep a clean and healthy skin. Moreover, honey is used as an ingredient in many types of mask.
Melt up your weight
Honey contains a natural sugar which is totally different from white sugar. It can help ward off the cravings for sweet such as cakes, sweets, chocolate and soda. In reality, if you swap your sweetener packed drinks for honey water, you’ll be saving up to 64% more calories.
Soothe sore throat
It is a reason why honey water becomes a winter favorite drink. It can help keep the body warm and protect the throat. Honey is a natural remedy for treating colds and respiratory infections. Next time if you cope with these diseases, reach for honey!
Regulate blood sugar levels
As mentioned above, a natural sugar found in honey will combine with fructose that helps regulate the blood sugar and reduce cholesterol.
Lower the risk of heart-related diseases

The flavonoids and anti-oxidants in honey are also pretty handy at giving you a hand to prevent and reduce the risk of heart diseases. A study has shown that honey slows down the oxidation process of bad cholesterol- a factor causing heart attack and stroke.

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