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Thursday, October 8, 2015


Doing exercise is one of the key factors for keeping a fit and healthy body, but stop blaming yourself for not going to the gym. Why? The answer is that more than 85% of the results come from what you eat.

Here are some tips to help jump start your weight loss without doing a single leg lift.

Consume ginger in capsule form

6-gingerol, an active ingredient of the ginger root can enhance your metabolism and heat up your body to help burn fat. It also helps flush out toxins from your body while improving the blood circulation. In addition, it suppresses the excess cortisol levels, which increase belly fat and weight gain, and aids digestion that in turn benefit you with losing weight more easily. Take one 500mg capsule a day.

Eat two to four apples daily

According to a recent study in Food Chemistry, apples can keep some extra pounds away because apples contain non-digestible compounds- fiber and polyphenols- which act as food for friendly bacteria and help your body outweigh the bad bacteria that thrive on junk food. In addition, apples also contain a water-binding substance named pectin, which helps all the body cells limit the amount of absorbed fat.

Add cinnamon to your diet

A compound called hydroxychalcone present in this potent spice aids your body in preventing sugar from being transformed into fat. Sprinkle cinnamon on fruits such as apples and add a teaspoon to a glass of warm milk.

Eat a lot of citrus fruits

Citrus fruits including oranges, lemons and grapefruit are a rich source of vitamin C, which works by dissolving accumulated fats in order to dispel them out of the body. Eat three kinds of citrus fruit every day.

Add cayenne pepper to your food

This chili pepper includes a compound named capsaicin, which burns fat by enhancing metabolism and heating up the whole body, creating a thermodynamic burn that may last for many hours after eating. Add half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder to your dishes.

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