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Friday, October 2, 2015


Dried aloe juice concentrate
Pinyin name: Lu Hui
Latin name: Aloe
English name: Dried Aloe Juice Concentrate
It refers to a dry substance made from the concentrated sap extract from the leaf of Aloe barbadensis Miller- a stemless or very short- stemmed succulent plant or other allied species of the same genus in the Liliaceae family.
It has been widely distributed throughout the world, especially in Africa and China.
Harvesting and Processing
The leaves are gathered all year round. In general, they are harvested when 2-3 years old. The juice is squeezed out of the leaves, boiled until it makes a thick consistent fluid and then put into a container and stored in cool places.
Taste: Bitter
Nature: Cold
Entering meridians: Large Intestine, Liver and Stomach
Best Qualities
Dark green or dark brown, crisp and strong smell
Major Chemical Constituents
Concentrated aloe leaf juice contains aloin, p- coumaric acid, isobarbaloin, resin, a small amount of α-glucose, amino acids and trace amounts of volatile oil.
Clear heat in the Liver
- Drain fire and reduce accumulation
- Kill parasites and strengthen the Stomach
Heat accumulation with constipation, dizziness, red eyes and irritability
- Heat in the Liver or Liver fire with yellow urination, dizziness and headache, convulsion, fever and tinnitus
- Abdominal pain caused by accumulation of worms manifested as sallow complexion and emaciation
Do not decoct and make with tea. 0.6- 1.5 grams in powder or pills
Contraindications and Cautions
Contraindicated during pregnancy and menstruation
- Contraindicated in case of Cold due to Spleen and Stomach deficiency
- Contraindicated for those with diarrhea
- Contraindicated for children

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