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Thursday, October 1, 2015


Researchers from Norwich Medical University (Britain) said that eating a small slice of steak or salmon everyday could be as good as stopping smoking.

Eating a small slice of steak or salmon every day could be as good as stopping smoking.
People who consume a high amount of protein tend to have lower blood pressure, healthier arteries and lower risks of heart attack and stroke.

Amino acids- key protein- building “material” – which help to boost the strength of cells, tissues and muscles in the body.

People with a diet which is high in amino acids will get similar benefits to those who give up smoking, reduce salt consumption or increase physical exercise.

Their study’s result, published in Nutrition Magazine was based on a health research on 2,000 British women. Scientists did an investigation on the types of foods which those volunteers ate and focused on 7 different amino acids. Surprisingly, they found that the volunteers who had the highest intake of amino acids would be associated with lower blood pressure and reduced arterial stiffness which was the main factor leading to heart attack and stroke.

Dr Amy Jennings, lead researcher from Norwich Medical University, said: “The result from this study shows a positive influence of amino acids on cardiovascular health.” Changing your daily meal with 75g of steak, 100g of salmon or 0.5l of skimmed milk will help you avoid the risk of heart- related diseases.

Protein-rich foods such as lean meat, fish, daily dairy-produce, beans, broccoli and spinach contain many valuable compounds, researchers from Eastern Anglia University say.

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