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Friday, October 2, 2015


Goldthread root
Pinyin name: Huang Lian, Chuan Huang Lian, Chuan Lian
Latin name: Rhizoma Coptidis
English name: Coptis Rhizome, Goldthread Root
The root of a perennial plant named Coptis teeta Wall. in the Rununculacaeae family
Location and Harvest
Found commonly in the hilly areas, especially that of the Himalaya region such as Bhutan, Nepal, China, Vietnam
Collected in autumn
Taste: Extremely bitter
Nature: Cold; Heart, Large intestine, Liver and Stomach meridians entered
Best qualities
Big, strong and hard with reddish yellow cross section
Unprocessed or prepared with ginger or wine
Clear heat and drain dampness
- Drain fire and resolve fire toxicity
- Clear blood heat and stop bleeding
- Clear heart fire
- Drain stomach fire
Gastro- intestinal damp- heat syndrome with dysentery and vomiting
- Toxic heat with high fever, irritability, disorientation, delirium, rapid pulse, red tongue
- Excessive heat with painful, red eyes and sore throat, carbuncles, boils
- Blood heat with epistaxis, hemafecia and hematuria
- Heart and kidneys miscommunication with insomnia
1.5- 10 grams
Contraindications and Cautions
Contraindicated for those with nausea or vomiting due to Stomach Deficiency Cold
- Contraindicated for those with fever, insomnia and fright due to Blood Deficiency
- Use with cautions for those with diarrhea due to Spleen or Kidney Deficiency
- Should not be taken with pork
- It may antagonize Ju Hua, Xuan Shen, Bai Xian Pi, Jiang Cang, Kuan Dong Hua, Niu Xi

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