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Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Triglycerides are fat in the bloodstream, which are used to provide energy to the body. High triglyceride levels mean you are at greater risk of heart disease. Studies have shown that almost one in five adults has higher-than-normal triglyceride levels. The cause of the condition is due to a wide range of factors such as overeating or consuming too much sugar, refined carbohydrate or saturated fat.

The main way to deal with high triglyceride levels is by eating a healthy diet and doing exercise. Here are some guidelines of simple food swaps that help you lower your triglycerides naturally and maintain a healthy weight.

Better and healthier breakfast bread choice

Instead of: Bagel with cream cheese
Choose: Whole wheat English muffin with one teaspoon of peanut butter
Why: The peanut butter has good fats which substitute the bad fats from the cream cheese. The English muffin breakfast has fewer calories.

Better breakfast cereal

Instead of: Sugar-frosted, chocolate or honey-dipped cereal
Choose: 100% whole grain cereal, fat-free milk and one teaspoon of chopped almonds
Why: Whole grain cereals can control triglyceride and blood sugar levels.

Better breakfast egg choice

Instead of: Cheese omelet
Choose: Egg-white omelet with spinach, peppers, onion or any vegetables you like with one or no slice of whole wheat toast
Why: Omitting the egg yolks and cheese reduces the saturated fat and sodium.

Better drink

Instead of: Fruit drinks or sodas
Choose: Diet sodas, fat-free milk or low-fat soymilk and tea
Why: Sweetened drinks lead to weight gain raising the triglyceride levels.

Better sandwiches

Instead of: Roast beef on rye with mayo
Choose: Chicken breast on whole grain bread with lettuce, tomato and mustard
Why: Swapped sandwich has lower fat and calories that are key factors in managing your triglyceride levels.

Better afternoon snacks

Instead of: Cookies
Choose: A handful of unsalted nuts with a cup of tea, fat-free milk or water
Why: Nuts are rich in good fats and heart-healthy compounds such as vitamin E and resveratrol.

Better dinner pasta

Instead of: Spaghetti and meatballs
Choose: Whole grain pasta with broccoli, carrots, onions and peas- which is lightly sautéed with garlic and olive oil
Why: Whole grains and vegetables contain a high content of fiber and heart-healthy compounds while meatballs have saturated fat and sodium.

Better crunchy snack choice

Instead of: Potato chips
Choose: Soy crisps or carrots with 2-3 teaspoons of hummus

Why: Soy crisps are low in fat and have heart-healthy fiber. Carrots and hummus contain fiber and healthful beta-carotene.

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