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Thursday, October 22, 2015


Many people don’t focus on the importance of skincare until the blemishes, acne and dark spots occur on their skin. Skin is the largest organ in the body that protects you from UV rays, guards your inner organs and acts as a barrier from harmful outside factors. By caring your skin with the following home remedies, you can fight against acne and brighten dark spots to get a healthy and clear skin.

Take care of your skin with natural home remedies.

Clear acne with home remedies

Develop a natural cleanser

Choose tea tree oil for its effective bacteria-fighting properties and reasonable cost. Studies have shown that tea tree oil can act as benzoyl peroxide in clearing acne and has fewer side effects. Steps to make your own cleanser:
  • ¼ cup of castor oil
  •  ½ cup of grape seed oil
  • ¼ cup of jojoba oil
  • 15 drops of tea tree oil
  • Add all ingredients into a clean bowl, whisk them and then store in a clean glass jar sealed.
  • Wet your fingertips with the oil. Massage the oil gently on your face for one to two minutes. Dip a clean washcloth in hot water and place the cloth on your face. Steam your face until the cloth cools. Repeat once. Wipe the oil off and pat your face dry with a clean towel.

Reduce inflammation with aloe

Apply aloe flesh on your skin. It works as an antibacterial ingredient to reduce inflammation and protects your skin from bacterial infection. Using aloe on a regular basis can boost the healing process.

Make an egg-white and lemon mask

Egg-white helps remove built-up dirt from your skin and tightens the pores. Lemon helps brighten and exfoliate your skin. This citrus fruit also a great source of alpha hydroxyl and vitamin C. Combining these two ingredients gives your skin a healthy and radiated look. How to make the mask: Beat one egg-white until it becomes frothy. Add the juice from half a lemon. Mix well. Apply the mixture onto your face and let it sit for 25-30 minutes. Rinse the mask off gently with warm water and follow by a moisturizer.

Apply jojoba oil for moisturizing

Jojoba oil is an effective natural moisturizer. Pour 5-6 drops of the oil on a cotton ball. Dab on your acne. Jojoba oil doesn’t clog your pores, but works to improve your natural oil balance.

Correct dark spots at home

Use vitamins

Vitamin C and E are very helpful in dispelling dark spots. Apply vitamin E directly on the dark spots before bedtime. This helps provide the skin with antioxidants to help improve your skin tone. Additionally, eating vitamin C-rich foods helps reduce the production of melanin.

Make a homemade mask

Wearing a mask not only makes you meditative and relaxing but also gives you an effective natural treatment. You can make a mask from 1 tsp sandalwood powder, 1 tsp sour curd and ½ tsp honey or create a scrub from a mixture of raw honey and brown sugar.

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